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CUHKSZ Launched Finance Summer School

  • 2015.06.25
  • News
From July 9th to 12th, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (“CUHK(SZ)”)launched its first finance summer school, providing latest insights of financial research trends to doctorate students, junior researchers and outstanding professionals.


From July 9th to 12th, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (“CUHK(SZ)”)launched its first finance summer school, providing latest insights of financial research trends to doctorate students, junior researchers and outstanding professionals.

Speakers included Robert Stambaugh, Chair Professor of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania and former president of the American Academy of Financial Management, Jiang Wang, Chair Professor of Finance at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Neng Wang, Chair Professor of Finance at Columbia University, Efraim Benmelech, Chair Professor of Finance at Northwestern University, Wei Xiong, Academic Dean of School of Management and Economics of CUHK(SZ) and Chair Professor of Finance at Princeton University and Jianfeng Yu, Professor of Finance of School of Management and Economics of CUHK(SZ) and Chair Professor of Finance at Minnesota University. Lectures covered such classical and hot topics as active asset management and mutual funds, liquidity and asset pricing, corporate liquidity and risk management, empirical financial contracting, finance bubbles and behavioral finance, intending to stimulate ideas for frontier research in finance among these 150 or so young scholars, graduates, doctorate students, and professionals from around the world.

This finance summer school is only the first step towards high end international exchange programmes initiated by the School of Management and Economics. The school will make full use of its first class teaching staff and global resources to host more academic forums and exchange events and promote series of advanced academic cooperation programmes. Outstanding talents to serve the needs of China’s economic development are expected to be attracted and nurtured and research breakthroughs of global significance in finance and management are likely to materialize.

(Photography by Linzhen, Xiejiongye, Tangjingen)