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【Academic Seminar】Big Data Opportunities: Systems Monitoring and Personalized Health Management - Prof. Kwok Leung Tsui

  • 2019.11.08
  • Event
Big Data Opportunities: Systems Monitoring and Personalized Health Management

Topic: Big Data Opportunities: Systems Monitoring and Personalized Health Management

Speaker: Prof. Kwok Leung Tsui , City University of Hong Kong

Date and Time: 15:30 - 16:30, Friday, November 8, 2019

Venue: Boardroom, Dao Yuan Building



Due to the advancement of computation power, sensor technologies, and data collection devices, the fields of systems monitoring and health management have been evolved over the past several decades under different names and application domains, such as statistical process control (SPC), process monitoring, health surveillance, prognostics and health management (PHM), engineering asset management (EAM), personalized medicine, etc. There are tremendous opportunities in interdisciplinary research of system monitoring through integration of SPC, system informatics, data analytics, PHM, and personalized health management. In this talk we will present our views and experience in the evolution of systems monitoring, challenges and opportunities, and applications in machine systems health management as well as human health management.



Dr. Kwok L. Tsui is currently chair professor in the School of Data Science and the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at City University of Hong Kong. Prior to the current position, Dr. Tsui has been professor/associate professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in 1990-2011; and member of technical staff in the Quality Assurance Center at AT&T Bell Labs in 1986-1990. He received his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Tsui was a recipient of the National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award. He is Fellow of the American Statistical Association, American Society for Quality, International Society of Engineering Asset Management, and Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; elected council member of International Statistical Institute; and U.S. representative to the ISO Technical Committee on Statistical Methods. Tsui was Chair of the INFORMS Section on Quality, Statistics, and Reliability and the Founding Chair of the INFORMS Section on Data Mining. Tsui’s current research interests include data mining, surveillance in healthcare and public health, prognostics and systems health management, calibration and validation of computer models, process control and monitoring, and robust design and Taguchi methods.