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The Global Significance of China's Rise

  • 2019.10.25
  • Event
You are cordially invited to Master Forum delivered by Prof. Yun-han Chu from 10:30a.m.-12:00p.m. on October 31, 2019

Speaker Profile

        Prof. Yun-han Chu is Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica and Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University. He is also an academician of Academia Sinica and a fellow of World Academy of Science (TWAS). He also serves as Co-chair of the Executive Council of Global Barometer Surveys, the world's largest social science survey research network. Professor Chu specializes in politics of Greater China, East Asian political economy, international political economy, and democratization.



        China's rise has accelerated the pace of globalization and amplified its velocity on every front. China’s rise is transforming the post-World War II liberal international order and eroding the power base of US hegemony. China’s rise will also accelerate the rise of the non-Western world. At the same time, China is poised to unleash the vast potential for South-to-South economic cooperation and create a more conducive environment for a great majority of developing countries to pursue sustainable development in general and inclusive growth in particular. China is also poised to shape the future path of globalization and transform the structure of global governance. In so doing, China’s rise will propel the transition from a Western-centric to post-Western world order.


Event Schedule

Title: The Global Significance of China's Rise

Speaker: Prof. Yun-han Chu

Date: Thursday, October 31, 2019

Time: 10:30a.m.-12:00p.m.

Venue: Governing Board Meeting Room, Dao Yuan Building

Language: English