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Master Forum|Solving the Blockchain Trilemma

  • 2019.11.22
  • Event
You are cordially invited to the Master Forum to be delivered by Prof. David Tse at 16:00-17:45 on November 26,2019.

Topic: Solving the Blockchain Trilemma

Speaker: Prof. David Tse

Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Time: 16:00pm-17:15pm

Venue: Governing Board Meeting Room, Dao Yuan Building

Language: English



        The blockchain trilemma is a central conjecture in the emerging field of blockchains. The conjecture states that it is impossible to build a fully decentralized blockchain system which has high security against an adversary and at the same time scalable. We disprove the conjecture by designing a new decentralized blockchain protocol, Trifecta, which provably achieves as strong a level of security as Bitcoin while achieving scalability, with near optimal throughput and latency. A prototype achieves a throughout of 250,000 transactions per second on 1000 EC2 nodes.


Speaker Profile:

        Prof. David Tse is currently the Thomas Kailath and Guanghan Xu Professor at Stanford University. He received the BASc degree in systems design engineering from University of Waterloo in 1989, and the MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1991 and 1994 respectively. From 1995 to 2014, he was on the faculty of the University of California at Berkeley.

        Prof. David Tse was elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 2018. He was the recipient of the IEEE Claude E. Shannon Award in 2017 and the IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal in 2019. Previously, he received a NSF CAREER award in 1998, the Erlang Prize from the INFORMS Applied Probability Society in 2000, a Gilbreth Lectureship from the National Academy of Engineering in 2012, and multiple best paper awards.

        He is a coauthor, with Pramod Viswanath, of the text Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, which has been used in over 60 institutions around the world. He is the inventor of the proportional-fair scheduling algorithm used in all third and fourth-generation cellular systems, serving 2.7 billion subscribers around the world.