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Upcoming Event---Muse Coffee Chat

  • Zhuowen Li
  • 2017.2.28
  • Event
With loads of homework baffling, you start moaning. To immerse yourself in study, you stay up all night, even lose appetite. If this is the case, do you long for someone to shoulder your burden, or guide your way? To make the best of your youth, try to enlighten your face with a smile, and to turn the monotonous sigh into melodies. Held by the Muse College, hosted by Dr. Xu Jiacong, nickname “Uncle Hui”, the upcoming activity “Coffee Chat” will invite the student from the Muse College to share their sweetness and bitterness of life in this Happy Talk.

With the weather getting a little bit chilly, circles of white mist emerge when people are breathing. Instead of working on your lap top with your tired eyes behind the thick glasses, why not join the “Coffee Chat” and get yourself a cup of Joe? Meditating helps clear your mind, and observing helps backtrack your development.

Just show up and speak out.

The “Coffee Chat” will offer you an access to Uncle Hui’s brave new world, where you can talk about your vision by interacting with peers. You can also express yourself with zest and gusto in this Happy Talk to get yourself some fun.

Coffees are different from kind to kind, and you are one of a kind.

Stop being a follower.

Take your time to enjoy a cup of coffee, get yourself involved in this relaxing chat.

The world is your oyster; just keep your heart open.

Muse, always.