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Master Forum | Computational Design and Fabrication - Turbine to Advance Production

  • 2017.03.16
  • Event
In this talk, Prof. Wang will introduce the research of computational design and fabrication in the research lines of design automation, design optimization, manufacturing process re-design and digital material design. Research projects will be introduced and results will be presented to demonstrate the new era of design engineering. Industrial applications of the research outcome in these threads of engineering design will be discussed.

Prof. Charlie C.L. Wang from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands will talk about computational design and fabrication and his sharing will give us an insight of the new era of design engineering.


Topic: Computational Design and Fabrication - Turbine to Advance Production

Speaker: Prof. Charlie C.L. Wang

Date: March 28th, Tuesday

Time: 11:00-11:50

Venue: Governing Board Meeting Room, Daoyuan Building

Language: English

Speaker Profile:

Prof. Charlie C.L. Wang is currently a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a Professor and Chair of Advanced Manufacturing in the Department of Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

Prior to this position, he was a Full Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), where he started his academic career in 2003.

Prof. Wang received a few awards from professional societies including the ASME CIE Excellence in Research Award (2016), the ASME CIE Young Engineer Award (2009), the Best Paper Awards of ASME CIE Conferences (twice in 2008 and 2001 respectively), the Prakash Krishnaswami CAPPD Best Paper Award of ASME CIE Conference (2011), and the NAMRI/SME Outstanding Paper Award (2013).

He serves on the editorial board of a few journals including Computer-Aided Design, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, and International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing.

Besides research, Prof. Wang is also a consistent and superb teacher and received the CUHK Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award (2008). His philosophy of teaching is that a good teacher not only imparts knowledge but also inspires students to seek truth beyond tradition, definition and image.



In this talk, Prof. Wang will introduce the research of computational design and fabrication in the research lines of design automation, design optimization, manufacturing process re-design and digital material design. Research projects will be introduced and results will be presented to demonstrate the new era of design engineering. Industrial applications of the research outcome in these threads of engineering design will be discussed.