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2017 SSE Major Declaration Information Session

  • 2017.04.15
  • Event
How time flies, it is about the end of your first year of study in SSE of CUHKSZ, and we are glad that you are going to declare your own major programme in very soon. To enrich your knowledge about different majors offered in our School and to broaden your eyesight about different enterprises relate to our majors, the School Office has been working on arranging seminars/ talks/field trips entitled Career Times Series during the past a few months, hope you’ve gained some help from it.

How time flies, it is about the end of your first year of study in SSE of CUHKSZ, and we are glad that you are going to declare your own major programme in very soon. To enrich your knowledge about different majors offered in our School and to broaden your eyesight about different enterprises relate to our majors, the School Office has been working on arranging seminars/ talks/field trips entitled Career Times Series during the past a few months, hope you’ve gained some help from it. 


Briefing on SSE Major Declaration

The event will take place in Li Wen Building, where professors in charge of different major programmes will introduce the areas of concentration, courses, career development and other details, with Q&A time slots included. 

Date: Apr. 15, 2017 (Saturday)

Time: 09:30 am - 12:00 pm

Venue: Li Wen Building

Career Times Week

During the Career Times Week, our school will invite different enterprises to our campus and sharing the career path of related majors.

Apr. 18    18:30-20:00       Skyworth

Apr. 19    18:30-20:00       Huawei

Apr. 20    18:30-20:00       BGI    

Apr. 21    18:30-20:00       Tianhong Asset  

Apr. 26    18:30-20:00       Tecent    

Apr. 27    18:30-20:00       China Mobile 

May, 2     18:30-20:00       CGN   

Venue: Room 101, Cheng Dao Building

Advisory Day

Provide an advisory day for SSE students before they declare major. We will invite some Year 2 students to share their experience.

Time: 16:00 pm - 17:00 pm

Date: Apr. 28, 2017

Venue: Room 101, 102, Cheng Dao Building