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Cast from CUHK-Shenzhen presents the drama adapted by Dr. Leung Fung-yee

  • 2017.12.13
  • News
The drama Our Story: The Beauties in Political Turmoil presented by the teachers and students from CUHK-Shenzhen made its debut in Shenzhen Theater On the evening of December 5.

On the evening of December 5, the drama Our Story: The Beauties in Political Turmoil made its debut in Shenzhen Theater. The show is adapted by Dr. Leung Fung-yee, member of the National Committee of CPPCC, famous Hong Kong writer and member of the Council of CUHK. The drama was presented by the teachers and students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen at Grand Theatre.


Prof. Xu Yangsheng(L) and Dr. Leung Fung-yee


Prof. Xu Yangsheng(L) and  Mr. Pan Weiqiang


At the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return, Dr. Leung adapted her novel Our Story: The Beauties in Political Turmoil into drama as gift to the anniversary and invited the teachers and students from CHUK-Shenzhen to present the drama, strengthening the tie between the two universities. Prof. Xu Yangsheng, president of CUHK-Shenzhen, praised Dr. Leung as a role model who seeks to establish younger generation and gives back to her alma mater. The president pointed out that "the fate of an individual is always closely linked with the development of the country. The establisment of CUHK-Shenzhen reflects the prosperity of Shenzhen and Hong Kong after Hong Kong’s return." The thought-provoking drama is worthy of brooding for the audience.

What make this version special is that Dr. Leung herself personally revised the drama for CUHK-Shenzhen. The original work was the first creation and the adaptation was a re-creation. Thus, she tried to be faithful to the original story which describes the arduous journey  Hong Kong people had until it’s return to motherland. Dr. Leung said that she would continue to write sequels if possible.


The drama is directed by Mr. Pan Weiqiang, famous Canadian director, while the theme song is composed by Prof. He Wenhui. The cast is made up of teachers and students from CUHK-Shenzhen. The Shenzhen Lychee Youth Theater also participated in the direction and production. The preparation from casting to debut only lasted two and a half months. Dr. Leung appreciated the lively performance of the amateur cast from the university.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen has been established for nearly four years and inherits the traditions and edcucational philosophy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As an alumna of CUHK, Dr. Leung brought the story based on the background of Hong Kong history to CUHK-Shenzhen at the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. The drama not only promotes the cultural and emotional exchanges between the two universities and between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, but also enables youngsters to know more about the history of Chinese Civil War and understand the society of Hong Kong and the whole country from the historical perspective so that they can pay more attention to current affairs and the Country's future of our country.


On January 26, the cast will perform the dram at Guangzhou Zhengjia Theater.





A summary of Our Story: The Beauties in Political Turmoil


In the letter to his wife, Yang Zi'ang, the hero of the story, wrote that “In this troubled world, the reason why I can devote myself to the country and repay my parents is that I have met 3 beautiful ladies. ” The book depicts two love stories in Guangzhou before 1949 and in Hong Kong in 1949. It centers on three ladies, Cheng Sumei, Gui Yuxin and Yu Lingjia. Yang Zi'ang, the hero of the story, grew up in turmoil of war. Facing with the ups and downs of the family and the dissatisfying marriage, he took the responsibility to fight for the Country's bright future and lived a touching life.