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CUHK(SZ) Offers Four Postgraduate Programmes in 2016

  • 2016.01.28
  • News
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen offers four postgraduate programmes in 2016 , including Master of Science in Finance by School of Management and Economics, Master of Arts in Translating and Interpreting Studies and Master of Arts in Simultaneous Interpreting by School of Humanities, and Social Science and Master of Science in Financial Engineering by School of Science and Engineering.

       The 2016 Postgraduate Prospectus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (“University”) has been released on the official website ( Four postgraduate programmes will be offered this year, including Master of Science in Finance by School of Management and Economics, Master of Arts in Translating and Interpreting Studies and Master of Arts in Simultaneous Interpreting by School of Humanities, and Social Science and Master of Science in Financial Engineering by School of Science and Engineering. Different from the enrollment of postgraduate students in most mainland universities, CUHK (SZ) adopts a recruitment policy that is in line with international practice. While reviewing applications, The University will evaluate applicants’ academic performance, language skills, professional interests and practical experience and take the best candidates. The total number of students to be admitted to these new programmes will depend on the condition of applicants.

CUHK (SZ) has strict standards on curriculum design and quality monitoring. After finishing related courses and obtaining the required credits, students will receive a degree certificate issued by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

Master of Science in Finance will be headed by Wei Xiong, Dean of School of Management and Economics, tenure professor at Princeton University and one of the most influential scholars in the global financial community. The programme will be taught in English and will last 18 months. Twelve courses will be included and streams include Finance, Corporate Finance, Investment and Securities Trading, Banks and Financial Institutions and Internet Finance. A major feature of the programme is its emphasis on both theory and practice. The faculty consists of both professors from world-class universities like Princeton University, Duke University, Wharton School as well as elite bankers and investors from Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan, intending to provide a profound understanding of finance and financial industry. The programme will take in students from all over the world. Applicants will have to obtain a Bachelor’s degree with an average grade of not lower than B and submit one of the following score reports on TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT or other exams to prove their English proficiency. Applicants are expected to be enthusiastic about working in financial industry and has completed Calculus and Statistics courses in undergraduate study. The deadlines of two round applications are 29 February and 31 May. Applicants will have to mail or e-mail their application forms to Master of Science in Finance Programme Office (E-mail: The shortlisted candidates will then be invited to participate in a second examination (including written tests and interviews).

At the moment, the 2016 Master of Arts in Translation Programme has finished admitting its first batch of students. The quality of applicants has improved compared with 2014: not only were there more applicants from mainland universities listed in ‘Project 985’, many undergraduate students studying abroad also submit their applications. The faculty members are all specialists in translation and interpreting from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macaw and Taiwan, possessing strong academic skills and rich experience in translation. In addition, a weekly ‘Open Door’ session provides students with a chance to discuss problems and exchange ideas with the specialists. The translation (translation/interpreting) programme and the simultaneous interpreting programme intend to enroll students from all over the world regardless of their undergraduate majors. Applicants will have to graduate from a university recognized by the Ministry of Education and obtained a Bachelor's degree, with an average score of B or GPA 3.0 or 75; or a similar qualification equivalent to a bachelor degree. As for language requirements, score reports on TOFEL, IELTS or GMAT will be accepted to prove an applicant’s English proficiency in line with the admission requirement of CUHK. The deadline for the second batch of applications is 31 March, 2016. The school will offer scholarship ranging from ¥8,000 to ¥50,000 to well-qualified applicants. The second entrance examination will be held on 9 April, 2016. For more information, please contact HSSS Postgraduate Office (Tele: 0755-84273180).

The first batch of applications for the programme of Master of Science in Financial Engineering in SSE have concluded. A large number of applications from well-qualified students in famous universities from home and abroad have been received, including students from Peking University, Fudan University, Renmin University of China, Nankai University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Wuhan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of British Columbia and University of Pittsburgh. At the moment, the Programme Committee is ready to receive the second round applications and the deadline is 25 February, 2016. For more information, please contact SSE Postgraduate Office (Tele: 0755-84273810). Admission requirements: 1.  Bachelor's degree with honors not lower than Second Class. 2. Graduating from a recognized university with an average grade of not lower than B or GPA 3.0 or having similar qualifications equivalent to a bachelor degree. 3. Possessing any of the following qualifications: TOEFL (not lower than 550 paper-based, 213 computer-based, or 79 internet-based); IELTS (Academic) (not lower than Band 6.5); GMAT (with a minimum verbal score of 21); having a recognized professional qualification or a degree from a university in Hong Kong or an English speaking country.

CUHK (SZ) Doctor Enrollment has been kicked off after careful preparatory work. The first batch of doctoral students will enter the University in the fall of 2016.