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International Symposium on Housing and Financial Stability in China

  • 2015.12.21
  • News
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, the International Monetary Fund and Princeton University jointly held an international symposium on Housing and Financial Stability in China at Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel from December 18 to 19, 2015.

  The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, the International Monetary Fund and Princeton University jointly held an international symposium on Housing and Financial Stability in China at Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel from December 18 to 19, 2015.


       China’s economy is undergoing a transformation stage, and Chinese currency and financial market are gradually internationalized. At this critical moment, top financial scholars from China and abroad, government think tanks and financial elite gathered to engage in a wide range discussion on the housing market dilemma, banking industry, economic growth, RMB internationalization, and Chinese financial system. The symposium serves as a rare platform to explore the risks and opportunities facing Shenzhen, China and the world against the background of RMB’s gradual globalization. This is the first time that the IMF has turned up in China since the inclusion of RMB in SDR.


       Professor Wei Xiong, Academic Dean of the School of Management and Economics of the CUHK Shenzhen, disclosed that in addition to this symposium, the University will co-host a China Economic Forum with the National Bureau of Economic Research of the United States of America in May each year starting from 2016, regularly inviting domestic and international academic and decision-making bodies to discuss China’s economic development and new issues and challenges arising out of China’s integration into the world financial market.


       18日下午,香港中文大学宋铮教授作了题为《中国影子银行系统的危机》的主题发言。香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院执行副院长余剑峰教授、摩根大通中国首席经济学家朱海斌先生、第一财经研究院院长杨燕青女士、中信里昂证券公司中国研究主管Patricia Cheng女士、光大银行副总经理肖英男先生、中国信达资产管理有限公司副总经理叶方明先生、招商银行同业金融总部总裁周松先生等嘉宾列席,并主要就银行系统风险、稳定性等主题进行深入探讨。


       19日上午主要论题为人民币国际化所带来的机遇与挑战。鉴于人民币刚刚于今年11月底正式被国际货币基金组织纳入特别提款权,这一话题引来了专家们广泛而热烈的讨论。其中包括普林斯顿讲座教授、香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院学术院长熊伟先生,香港中文大学金融教授刘民先生,北京大学教授及中国人民银行货币委员会委员黄益平先生,旧金山联邦储备银行高级研究顾问刘铮先生,中国金融40人论坛成员管涛先生,香港金融管理局香港金融研究中心高级主管Hongyi Chen先生等。来自国际货币基金组织中国高级常驻代表Alfred Schipke先生与彼得森国际经济研究所高级研究员Nicholas Lardy先生分别作了题为《向“新规范”转型:人民币及中国的国际角色》和《中国的金融风险》的主题演讲。

