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High-table Dinner with Bank Presidents

  • 2015.04.20
  • News
On April 16, 2015, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (CUHKSZ) held a High-table Dinner with bank presidents at the second floor, Letian Building.

On April 16, 2015, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (CUHKSZ) held a High-table Dinner with bank presidents at the second floor, Letian Building.

The presidents stressed that financial professionals must keep abreast of latest trends in market. They also introduced emerging modes of internet finance. Given the enthusiasm prevalent among the students, the presidents agreed to provide ample internship opportunities so that the students would have hands-on experience in banking industry.


Professor Xu pointed out that this event was an in-depth dialogue between current and prospective bank presidents. To each student, this proved to be a once in a life time experience, which not only broadened their visions but also enabled them to learn about most recent trends in finance.