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Collection of Artist-in-Residence Pan Erru's Landscape Paintings II

  • 2018.06.13
  • Event
Approaching Traditions: Collection of Artist-in-Residence Pan Erru's Landscape Paintings II

Venue: Room 101, Teaching C

Exhibition Period: June 11 to July 222018

Sitting Alone by the Pine and Rock  by Mr. Pan Erru


Mr. Pan Erru



The styles he creates are derived from the Song and Yuan dynasties;

the strokes he employs are delicate,

conveying profound comprehension of the landscape paintings.

Well versed in the classic and traditional Chinese ink painting skills,

he excels at drawing snowy scenery works, which are very much sought-after.


In 2016, Mr. Pan Erru feasted our eyes on

the all-encompassing universe and the diverse nature,

which were embedded in his works displayed in the exhibition named

Pure Views: Collection of Pan Erru’s Landscape Paintings


After Two years, Mr. Pan is here again bringing us a brand-new exhibition:

Approaching Traditions: Collection of Artist-in-Residence Pan Erru's Landscape Paintings II unveiled the mystery of nature and the vitality of life.

Attitude, emotion and aspiration were all there in his paintings.



Artist Profile

Mr. Pan Erru, Visiting Professor of the College of Calligraphy Art at Yichun University, the third artist for the Artist-in-Residence Programme of The Chinese University of HongKong, Shenzhen. Having studied calligraphy since childhood, he used to work as an editor and publisher at the beginning of his career. In 2008, he put his heart in Chinese traditional painting and published several works including A Boat Returning on A Snowy River: Collection of Landscape Paintings (2013) and Back to Tradition: Collection of Landscape Paintings (2015). He employs delicate strokes to convey his profound comprehension of landscape paintings. He creates styles deriving from the Song and Yuan dynasties and has been well versed in the traditional Chinese ink painting.


Several solo exhibitions of Mr. Pan Erru have been launched at 798 Art Zone in Beijing, etc. In 2016, invited by The Chinese University of HongKong, Shenzhen, he gave the exhibition “Pure Views: Collection of Pan Erru’s Landscape Paintings”. Two years later, in 2018, he will hold a new show of his landscape paintings “Approaching Traditions: Collection of Artist-in-Residence Pan Erru's Landscape Paintings II” on campus again.