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Research Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains through Data-Driven Analytical and Empirical Studies

  • 2018.06.28
  • Event
Speaker: Prof. Hui Zhao (The Pennsylvania State University)


   Research Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains through Data-Driven Analytical and Empirical Studies


  12:00pm-13:30pm, 2018/7/6


  Room A619, Teaching A


 Prof. Hui Zhao (The Pennsylvania State University)
Pharmaceutical industry is vital for healthcare and the economy of any nation. Its supply chain efficiencies also  directly affect the quality and cost of public health. However, research on pharmaceutical supply chain has been scarce, possibility due to its complexity and the lack of awareness. This industry is also very unique which provides extremely rich area for future research due to the following reasons: (1) It has a very long supply chain including players from drug discovery sponsor, manufacturer, distributor, retail pharmacy, insurance, healthcare provider, and patients, with many unique intermediaries such as GPO and BPM. Therefore, abundant opportunities exist in any part of this long value chain. (2) It is closely related to government and policy makers because of drug safety, supply chain integrity, and many reimbursement and insurance coverage issues. (3) It embraces both brand and generics drugs that are totally different “beasts”. (4) The rising e-commerce, online pharmacies and online platforms, and the related distribution, reimbursement, insurance issues provide tremendous opportunities for research on new business models and innovation in policies. (5) As demonstrated, research varies from tactical to strategic to public policy, research methods also vary from analytical to empirical, depending on the nature of the problems.