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Synergistic Effects and Our Research Concept in Research & Lab Life

  • 2018.08.17
  • Event
【Master Forum】 Synergistic Effects and Our Research Concept in Research & Lab Life

Topic: Synergistic Effects and Our Research Concept in Research & Lab Life

Speaker: Professor Zhenfeng Xi

Date:  August 22, 2018, Wednesday

Time:  16:15-17:30

Venue:  Governing Board Meeting Room, Daoyuan Building

Language: Chinese



    By introducing the true story of our discovery and development of the chemistry of organo-di-metallic reagents, this lecture will discuss synergistic effects and our research concept in research & lab life.


Speaker Profile
   Zhenfeng Xi received his B.Sc. degree from Xiamen University in 1983, and his M.Sc. degree from Nanjing University, Zhengzhou University and the Henan Institute of Chemistry in 1989. He joined Professor Tamotsu Takahashi’s group at the Institute for Molecular Sciences, Japan, as a Ph.D. course student in 1993 and obtained a Ph.D. degree in 1996. He took an Assistant Professor position at Hokkaido University, Japan, in 1997, after he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow with Professor Takahashi at CRC. In 1998, he joined the College of Chemistry at Peking University, where he is now a Professor.

   He received several awards including Outstanding Young Investigator Award from Hong Kong Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation in 2000, Yaozeng Huang Organometallic Chemistry Award in 2004, and the CCS-AkzoNobel Chemical Sciences Award in 2014. He served as Dean of College of Chemistry, Peking University from April 2002 till June 2006, and has been the holder of Changjiang Professorship since 2002. He was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences as an academician in 2015.

   Prof. Xi served or is serving for several international journals as editors or advisory board members, including Associate Editor of Organic Letters (ACS), Applied Organometallic Chemistry (Wiley), Member of the advisory board or the Consulting Board of Accounts of Chemical Research, Synlett/Synthesis, Tetrahedron/Tetrahedron Letters, Chem. Lett., Asian J. Org. Chem., Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. He also serves for several Chinese journals as editors or advisory board members, including Associate Editor of Chinese Science Bulletin, and Chemistry.

  Prof. Xi’s research interests include (1) Development of Organo-di-metallic Reagents, (2) Transition-metal Catalyzed Synthesis of Silacycles and Azacycles via Cleavage Si-C(sp3) bond, silyl C(sp3)-H Bond and C(sp3)-N Bond, and (3) Activation & Transformation of N2 Molecule.