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Academic Seminar |Large-Scale Ranking and Selection delivered by Prof. Jeff HONG

  • 2018.08.21
  • Event
Dear all, You are cordially invited to attend an academic seminar delivered by visiting professor Jeff HONG of Institute for Data and Decision Analytics, CUHK-Shenzhen on Aug 21, 2018.

Title: Large-Scale Ranking and Selection

Speaker: Prof. Jeff HONG, City University of Hong Kong

Time: 14:30 – 15:30, Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Venue: Boardroom, Dao Yuan Building


  • Abstract:


Ranking and selection (R&S) aims to design statistical procedures that can select the one with the highest mean performance from a group of alternatives. It is a classical problem in the areas of statistics and stochastic simulation. In recent years, more and more researchers are looking at R&S problems with a large number of alternatives (often in the orders of thousands to even millions) and solving them in parallel computing environment. In this talk, we will first talk about how to design efficient fully-sequential procedures in parallel computing environment, and then introduce a completely new idea/procedure that achieves the lower bound of the increasing order of the sample size for R&S problems.




  • Biography:

L. Jeff Hong received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management Science from Northwestern University and B.S. in Automotive Engineering from Tsinghua University. He is currently an Endowed Chair Professor of Management Sciences in College of Business at City University of Hong Kong, and he will soon be Hong Yi Chair Professor in School of Management and School of Data Science at Fudan University. Jeff’s research interests include stochastic simulation and stochastic optimization, financial engineering and risk management, and data analytics. He has published numerous papers on leading academic journals, including Operations Research and Management Science. He is currently the Simulation Area Editor of Operations Research and Associate Editor of Management Science and ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. Jeff received various academic awards and honors, including the National Thousand Talent Program from Chinese government, Outstanding Research Award from Operations Research Society of China, Outstanding Simulation Publication Award from INFORMS Simulation Society, Operations Best Paper Award from Institute of Industrial Engineers, and etc. He is currently the Vice President/President-Elect of INFORMS Simulation Society.