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Seize the Opportunity of New Financial Industry Revolution Led by AI

  • 2016.04.20
  • Event
Seize the Opportunity of New Financial Industry Revolution Led by AI

You are cordially invited to attend the Liberal Arts Education Colloquium!

Subject: Seize the Opportunity of New Financial Industry Revolution Led by AI and Big Data

Speaker: ZOU Hao

Date & Time:19:00-20:30, April 20, 2016 

Venue: Room 103, Governing Board Meeting Room, Daoyuan Building

Speaker Introduction:

Dr. Hao Zou is currently Founder & CEO of Abundy Inc., a FinTech startup focusing on using artificial intelligence and big data technologies to increase the efficiency of the financial industry. He also serves as Board Director, Secretary-Treasurer, and Executive Committee Member of the Marconi Society. He was formerly a global portfolio manager and permanent member of the Americas Portfolio Committee at Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO) before he founded Abundy. He was named to Forbes' 2016 "30 Under 30" finance list of "game changers under 30 transforming the world." He was also selected by the State Council of China as an "Eminent Young Overseas Chinese" under the age of 45 in 2015.He received his PhD and MS in Electrical Engineering, MBA, and MA in Economics from Stanford University in 2011 and completed the four degrees in three years. Previously, he represented Stanford University in various national and international telecommunication standards committees and co-developed next-generation network standards to bring faster Internet to billions of users. He received his undergraduate degree from Stanford in 2008. He also studied at Tsinghua University in Beijing for two years. He was an inaugural member of Tsinghua’s Xuetang Talents Computer Science Program before transferring to Stanford.


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