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CUHK-Shenzhen Outstanding Talent Cultivation for the Greater Bay Area

  • 2019.02.27
  • News
The blueprint for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was officially released on February 18th, marking great significance to the development of CUHK-Shenzhen.

Professor Yangsheng Xu, President of CUHK-Shenzhen and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering


Professor Yangsheng Xu, President of CUHK-Shenzhen and Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, is excited about the unveiling of the blueprint for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. 


“The blueprint came at the right time for us, as CUHK-Shenzhen was built against the backdrop of the development of the Greater Bay Area. CUHK-Shenzhen is a highly internationalized university, inheriting the traditions of The Chinese University of Hong Kong while utilizing the advantages of Shenzhen as a national base for manufacturing, innovation, and entrepreneurship.


In terms of the development of the Greater Bay Area, President Xu highlights two points: the cultivation of talents and the integration of medical and healthcare resources. 


“To achieve these, it is important to fully mobilize, integrate and coordinate the resources of the bay area cities. Institutions of higher education in Shenzhen, especially international universities such as CUHK-Shenzhen, are obliged to play a stronger role in cutting-edge scientific research, industry-university integration and FinTech development in the Greater Bay Area.”



Xiaoqiang Cai, Associate Vice President and Presidential Chair Professor, CUHK-Shenzhen


Professor Xiaoqiang Cai, Associate Vice President and Presidential Chair Professor of CUHK-Shenzhen comments: "I am thrilled by the release of the blueprint for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. We have been expecting it for a long time, and, with the blueprint, it comes numerous new opportunities. For years, I have been engaged in research projects on logistics management and supply chain management, and in recent years, I have carried out research projects on the Internet of things. Logistics is one of the four economic pillars of Hong Kong, which excels in shipping and aviation. Guangdong, especially Shenzhen, is home to a highly-developed logistics industry whose throughput has exceeded some of the world's most important ports. The strategies of the Greater Bay Area will facilitate the coordination and communication between Hong Kong and the mainland, which are the key to the overall development of supply chain management and logistics industry. The close collaboration between Hong Kong and the mainland will maximize the advantages of both sides and thus produce positive impact on a larger scale.” The logistics industry in the Greater Bay Area, Professor Cai hopes, will one day become world-leading. 



Prof. Bohui Zhang, Executive Associate Dean, SME, CUHK-Shenzhen


As an economist, Professor Bohui Zhang, Executive Associate Dean of The School of Management and Economics, is very optimistic about the economic prospect of the Greater Bay Area. 


"Enterprises in Shenzhen will benefit tremendously from the construction of the Greater Bay Area. This blueprint unfolds a bright prospect of the Greater Bay Area, with the potentials of its 9 cities and 2 special administration regions further explored. The platform established by the Greater Bay Area will strengthen the ties with the countries along the ‘Belt and Road’, hence the formation of a larger market. A wider access to means and factors of production will be achieved, and a lower production cost accordingly. Through closer cooperation and interaction with world-class enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao, companies in Shenzhen can seek advancement in technologies and make improvement in patent protection. Moreover, it will further broaden the channels for talent introduction and attract more management and R&D personnel with international perspectives, which, in the end, will boost the global competitiveness of local enterprises."



Wang Cong, Associative Dean of Shenzhen Finance Institute (SFI) and Professor of CUHK-Shenzhen


In an interview with Yicai Media Group and Sina Finance, Wang Cong, Associative Dean of Shenzhen Finance Institute (SFI) and Professor of CUHK-Shenzhen, remarked that the blueprint charts a course for the development of the Greater Bay Area, and clearly clarifies the positioning of each city, which can help to better integrate the resources and make up for the weak points. 


"This blueprint will make the Greater Bay Area the next powerhouse to sustain a robust growth of China’s  economy.” said Wang. 



Ruoxu Ding, Year-4, SME & Diligentia College, CUHK-Shenzhen


After reading the blueprint, Ruoxu Ding, a senior SME student, feels more determined to stay in Shenzhen, where he has spent almost four years for his undergraduate study. 


“Staying in the Greater Bay Area is a good choice for me. As a marketing student, Shenzhen offers an excellent platform for my career development in marketing, sales and public relations. The good connections within the Greater Bay Area will provide even more resources and opportunities. I believe in the bright future of this area and would also like to contribute to its betterment.”