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When AI Meets Software Engineering

  • 2019.03.04
  • Event
In this talk, Professor Lyu will connect AI with Software Reliability Engineering (SRE).

        Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have come a long way and developed in different paths. Today, with the fast advancement of AI techniques and software in various fields, Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence have close encounters, and “Intelligent Software Engineering” becomes an emerging research area.

        In this talk, Professor Lyu will connect AI with Software Reliability Engineering (SRE).  On one hand, AI techniques, empowered by data-driven machine learning algorithms, can enhance SRE tasks with new paradigms, thus enabling Intelligent SRE. On the other hand, SRE techniques are essential to modern AI applications, where Intelligent Software can be systematically engineered for its reliability. 

        Regarding the first aspect, we have investigated on the design of novel AI approaches and machine learning techniques based on three types of software data: code, user reviews, and logs. Professor Lyu will explain the challenges in examining each data source and describe their recent achievements. 

        Regarding the second aspect, Professor Lyu will demonstrate how the conventional SRE techniques, fault avoidance, fault removal, fault tolerance, and fault prediction, can be applied to AI software, and present the state of the art, including some of Professor Lyu's findings.


Topic: When AI Meets Software Engineering

Speaker: Professor Michael R. Lyu

Date: Friday,March. 8th

Time: 16:30-17:30

Venue: Governing Board Meeting Room, Daoyuan Building, CUHK-Shenzhen

Language: English


        Speaker Profile

        Prof. Michael Rung-Tsong Lyu is a Professor and Chairman of Computer Science and Engineering Department at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prof. Lyu received his B.Sc. from National Taiwan University, his M.Sc. from University of California, Santa Barbara, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles.

        He worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the University of Iowa, Bellcore, and Bell Laboratories. His research interests include software reliability engineering, distributed systems, fault-tolerant computing, multimedia information retrieval, AI and machine learning. He has published 500 refereed journal and conference papers in these areas, which recorded 29,000 Google Scholar citations and h-index of 83.

        He served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Journal of Information Science and Engineering, and IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. He is currently on the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), IEEE Access, and Software Testing, Verification and Reliability Journal (STVR).

        He was elected to IEEE Fellow (2004), AAAS Fellow (2007), Croucher Senior Research Fellow (2008), IEEE Reliability Society Engineer of the Year (2010), ACM Fellow (2015), and received the Overseas Outstanding Contribution Award from China Computer Federation in 2018.