— 活动 —

Leverage and Price-Rent Dynamics

  • 2019.07.24
  • 活动
Speaker: Prof. Pengfei Wang (HKUST)


  Leverage and Price-Rent Dynamics



  12:00-13:30 pm, 2019/7/31 (Wednesday)


  Room 619, Teaching A


 Prof. Pengfei Wang (HKUST)

Abstract: Housing demand shocks are an important source of housing price fluctuations and, through the collateral channel, they drive macroeconomic fluctuations as well. However, these reduced-form shocks in the standard macro models fail to generate the observed large fluctuations in the housing price-to-rent ratio. We build a tractable heterogeneous-agent model that provides a microeconomic foundation for housing demand shocks. Households with high marginal utility of housing face binding credit constraints, giving rise to a liquidity premium in the aggregated housing Euler equation. The liquidity premium drives a wedge between the house price and the average rent and allows credit supply shocks to generate large fluctuations in house prices and the price-to-rent ratio.