— 新闻 —


  • 2017.03.25
  • 新闻


第一站:Li & Fung利丰集团香港总部

        “利丰集团在1906以利丰名号始创于广州,历史悠久。是植根于香港的跨国企业,亦是全球供应链管理业的翘楚 。 到目前为止,公司三大业务模块 。 遍布全球 40 多个经济体, 总营业额超过 200亿美金。尽管消费者从没听说过香港利丰集团,却在生活中对其依赖至深。这家没有厂房、没有工人的香港公司,却能调动起全世界的工厂,生产、运输着他们最熟悉的时尚品牌,其中不乏Primark,H&M,Michael Kors,Disney,Nautica以及Tommy Hilfiger等等。”

       利丰集团的Gordon Lam先生全程接待我们,在3小时的演讲里,他用60页的PPT,向我们介绍了企业的运营模式,提及利丰集团在贸易、物流和经销三大业务模块的优势,以及公司如何在百年间一步步发展壮大,最终成为全球供应链管理业的翘楚。他用自己接手过的案例为例,深入分析供应链的设计和运行。此次利丰之行给同学们留下了深刻的印象——

I think it was an extremely well-organized and informative presentation by Mr. Lam and I really enjoyed listening to him explaining LF’s philosophy and business model. It really confirmed my interest in the supply chain and logistics industry and I definitely learned a couple of things that morning.

- Kien Do Trung, Copenhagen Business School

Specifically, I was amazed by the innovations which are being created at Li and Fung. Being such a global company, I am amazed that Li and Fung is so easily adapting to the constantly changing business environments. I am looking forward to the announcement of Li and Fung's 3 year plan later this month to assess the future of Li and Fung.

- Sahir Shivji, University of British Columbia

I feel so lucky to be able to participate in this visit to Li&Fung last week. I really appreciate the excellent presentation given by Mr. Lam and all the other staffs who have offered their generous help. Through the case given by Gordon, I felt so lucky to able to get more knowledge of the backend process of McDonald's, especially given that I am a big fan of their summer limited bottle. The end-to-end supply chain service provide by Li & Fung from product design to local delivery indeed stir my interest and passion in pursuing a career in supply chain domain. I am determined to become a dedicated professional to make all of these terrific products possible. All in all, I really enjoyed the visit and I will definitely recommend this visit to my friends.

- Ziyue Yang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Very appreciated for offering our group such a marvelous lecture on supply chain management and showcase how it can be applied in real businesses. I was surprised of how much Li & Fung can do in terms of providing services and added values to its clients through all sorts of sectors along the supply chain. Indeed, this company visit strengthened my interest to further pursue my career in this field. 

- Carol Zhang, University of British Columbia


        3月11日早在香港中文大学康本国际交流中心,来自本部商学院的教授们欢迎同学们的到来,其中不乏GSCLM三方合作项目的缔造者之一 Waiman Cheung教授 。他回忆起若干年前和来自哥本哈根、温哥华的两所学校代表坐谈,如何在创建三方合作项目达成共识的一幕幕场景,仿佛还在昨天。当年的协议转眼就成了现实,如今看到来自三大洲的同学们齐聚一堂,他更是满怀欣慰、百感交集。


        讲座结束,由沙田内地生联合会的志愿者们以及Hugh Thomas教授带大家参观沙田校园,讲述香港中文大学的建校历程和书院传统。


        当日下午,在Hugh Thomas教授和佟世璐教授的带领下,同学们一起乘坐游船参观游览香港的港口。香港中文大学(深圳)前经管学院院长徐宁教授以及汪煒成教授(原Kerry Logistics公司总经理)也加入了此次行程。他们在游船上和同学们分享自己的行业经验、解答同学们的疑惑,并展示各自的学术研究成果、和同学们展开讨论。通过实地参观港口的船舶,汪煒成教授把课堂上的知识套用到了现实的参观解说中,描述了轮船是怎样在港口装卸货物以及在船坞停泊维修的。


We all had a great time on the study trip, and really felt it enhanced our understanding of the supply chain and logistics of the Asian region. The lectures were insightful and interactive, and the boat tour was a lot of fun (though a little choppy!). The highlight, however, has to be the tour of Li & Fung. This was incredibly inspiring, and gave us a real idea of what it would be like to work in the field. From the innovative technology they use, the interesting history they have, and even the thoughts they had for the future of the industry... it was all really encouraging and we came back to Shenzhen with renewed enthusiasm for our program.

- Natalie Clifton, Copenhagen Business School