The catkins are rootless, as Han Yu, the poet of Tang Dynasty, put it: "Floating clouds and catkins are rootless, as they are blowing in the wind in this infinite universe." (fuyun liuxu wugendi, tiandi kuoyuan sui feiyang) The bitter fleabane is rootless, as Yang Shen, the poet of Ming Dynasty, put it: "The bitter fleabane is rootless, as it is drifting at the mercy of the wind." (feipeng wu genzhu, piaoyao suifengqi) Lost and gloomy, the wanderers are always on the way of seeking for roots; Satisfied and fulfilled, they find a sense of belonging when reaching the homeland. Root seeking features in family cohesion and continuation, cultural inheritance, and the searching of the retreat of the soul. There's still a long way stretching before the youngsters, so it's significant to ask oneself when dashing: What is my dream and what do I aim for?