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Arts in the Cloud| Why the Stars Shine -- Appreciation of Classical Artworks

  • 2020.03.24
  • Event
On 24 March, Guest Artist of the Chinese Academy of Oil Painting, Zhang Xiaopeng, will be invited to our live streaming lecture "Arts in the Cloud". She will guide students to learn about the five world-renowned art masters and appreciate their masterpieces.

Classics belong to everyone, but never belong to the mass. Everyone can walk into the classics only with an individual soul. Also, only when you start to be friendly with the classics, would you find yourself gradually moving away from the spiritual consumption of pure entertainment.


Michelangelo:A genius in the Renaissance period


Rembrandt:Greatest Dutch painter of the 17th Century


Modigliani:A melancholy and dissolute Italian painter


Miller:The most popular painter in the history of modern French painting


Van Gogh:Dutch Post-Impressionist Painter in the 19th Century


Arts and Living Lecture Series of CUHKSZ VI:

Theme:Why the Stars Shine -- Appreciation of Classical Artworks

Guest:Zhang Xiaopeng, Guest Artist of the Chinese Academy of Oil Painting

Time :24 March 2020 (Tuesday) 20:00-21:30


Live Platform:Zoom (ID: 592 482 3375)

Scan the QR code to read the instructions on ZOOM:

Gentle Reminder:Please download Zoom software and enter the ID into the live streaming. If the number of participants exceeds 200, the audience will be temporarily unable to enter the live streaming and need to wait in line.

*Without authorization, please do not record or repost the lecture.


Brief Introduction of the Guest:

Zhang Xiaopeng was born in Beijing. She has learned to play the piano since an early age and studied under Mr. Shi Linzhi, a professor at the Central Conservatory of Music. Zhang graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Minzu University of China with a bachelor's degree in 2001. Later as a postgraduate, she graduated from the Mural Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2003.  In 2007, Zhang further studied at the Chinese Academy of Oil Painting which is affiliated to China Art Academy, under the guidance of Mr. Yang Feiyun.  She also studied in the Sino-Russian Oil Painting Class of Senior Research and Studies in 2014. In 2016, Zhang started giving art lectures uinder the title - "Why the Stars Shine". Zhang has dedicated herself to online art support education since 2017. She is now a member of Beijing Artist Association and a Guest Artist of the Chinese Academy of Oil Painting.


· "On the Road" - Zhang Xiaopeng's Individual Oil Painting Exhibition (Chinese Academy of Oil Painting)

· The Fifth "Classics and Inheritance" - National Exhibition of Realistic Painting Works by the Youth (Ningbo Museum of Art)


· "Paint From Life: Face To Original - Oil painting Copying and Painting Exhibition" (Chinese Academy of Oil Painting)

· "Chinese Spirit" the 4th Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition in Beijing (National Art Museum of China)

· 2018 Invitational Exhibition of Realistic Oil Painting (Guardian Arts Center)

· The Fourth "Classics and inheritance" - National Exhibition of Realistic Painting Works by the Youth (Ningbo Museum of Art)

· "The Yellow River" Invitational Exhibition of Young Artists (China Oil Painting Institute Art Museum) (Lingnan Museum of Fine Art)


· Invitational Exhibition of Realistic Painting Young Artists (Guardian Arts Center)

· The Third "Classics and Inheritance" - National Exhibition of Realistic Painting Works by Young Artists (Ningbo Museum of Art)

· The 10th Anniversary Celebration and Special Exhibition of Chinese Academy of Oil Painting (Chinese Academy of Oil Painting)


· The Second "Classics and Inheritance" - National Exhibition of Realistic Painting Works by Young Artists (Ningbo Museum of Art)

· "Chinese Spirit - The Fourth Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition" National Roving Exhibition


· "Classics and Inheritance" - National Exhibition of Realistic Painting Works by the Youth (Ningbo Museum of Art)

· "Exhibition for the Sino-Russian Oil Painting Class of Senior Research and Studies" (Chinese Academy of Oil Painting)


· "Poly Prize of Emerging Power of Contemporary Art" - Exhibition of Chinese Neo-realistic Paintings (InterContinental Peninsula, Hainan)

· "Portrait Now!- Urban life in contemporary China" The First GWF-Times Portrait Art Exhibition


· New York Biennale (Works were collected)

· "The True Comprehension Comes from A Clear Bosom" Invitational Oil Painting Exhibition (Wuxi)

· "Phantasm·Retained":  Chinese Contemporary Youth Realism Oil Painting Exhibition of 10 Representatives


· Exhibition of Neo-realistic Oil Paintings (National Art Museum of China)


· Merging and Creating: Invitational Exhibition for Famous Chinese Artists of Oil Painting


· Oil Painting and Contemporary Society - Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition (National Art Museum of China)

· "Bank of Communications - Times Cup" Chinese Youth Realistic Painting Exhibition, Bronze Award (Works were collected)

· "Researching and Exceeding" - The Second Exhibition of China's Oil Painting of Small Size


· The 11th National Exhibition of Fine Arts (National Art Museum of China)

· The 11th Asian Arts Festival, Bronze Award (The work was collected)


· The artwork: "Half Seawater" was collected by the National Art Museum of China from "Paint From Life" - The Oil Painting Research Exhibition (National Art Museum of China)

· The Second "Spirit of the Time" - National Exhibition of Oil Paintings


· "Spirit of the Time" - National Exhibition of Oil Painting Potraits, Excellence Award (The work was collected)


· The Third Chinese National Exhibition of Oil Paintings (National Art Museum of China)


Appreciation of Zhang Xiaopeng's Artworks:

Time  146cm×116cm  Oil on canvas  2014


The Band  100cmX80cm  Oil on canvas  2020


Temple-Red  50cm×60cm  Oil on canvas  2020


Atelier  50cmX60cm  Oil on canvas  2019


Miss Dudu—The Little Cat  20cm×30cm  Oil on canvas  2017


Arts in the Cloud:"Arts in the Cloud" is an online live streaming activity organized by UAC, which will cover all-inclusive arts knowledge in the form of "Artists' Sharing + Interaction". Relying on live streaming platforms such as BiliBili and Zoom as the main channels, each episode is about 60-90 minutes in length, including a wide range of topics, such as literature, fine arts, music, design, drama and other categories. Artists who may be hard to meet offline will be invited "in the cloud" to create a collision of ideas with you and look into the all-sided future of arts and life from the elementary to the profound.


University Arts Centre:To bring students closer to culture and art,to make the "DREAM" come true.