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Arts in the Cloud | Icy Tan: Painting and Free Life

  • 2020.04.01
  • Event
We cordially invite you to join our “Arts in the Cloud” live streaming, listen to the lecture given by Illustrator Icy Tan, and interpret the theme “Painting and Free Life”.

Theme: Painting and Free Life

Time: 2 April 2020 (Thursday) 20:00-21:00

Live Platform: BiliBili 

Scan the QR code to follow the BiliBili account of CUHK-Shenzhen

*Without authorization, please do not record or repost the lecture.

Language: Chinese


Icy will talk about her source of inspiration and content of creation, share her interpretation and understanding of painting as well as her daily life and work status as an illustrator.


About the Guest

Icy Tan is an illustrator born and raised in Chengdu, China, and had resided in Chile in South America for some time previously. Icy has been drawing since she was 3 years old, but never attended academic art school. Instead, she taught herself to draw and create via a child-like curiosity and exploration of everyday life. She keeps records of her life and interprets the world she feels through painting. Icy started the People Watching project in 2015 when she was living in Guangzhou, China. She has exhibited her artworks in Chile and many cities in China. Icy was invited to be the 16th Artist-in-Residence of CUHK-Shenzhen in 2019.

Arts in the Cloud

"Arts in the Cloud” is an online live streaming activity organised by UAC, which will cover all-inclusive arts knowledge in the form of "Artists’ Sharing + Interaction". Relying on live broadcast platforms such as BiliBili and Zoom as the main channels, each episode is about 60-90 minutes in length, including a wide range of topics, such as literature, fine arts, music, design, drama and other categories. Artists who may be hard to meet offline will be invited “in the cloud” to create a collision of ideas with you and look into the all-sided future of arts and life from the elementary to the profound.