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Upcoming Event:Business Etiquette Training

  • 2017.10.17
  • Event
In the globalized environment, decent business etiquette is becoming more and more important. In order to help all students learn more about the social etiquette skills as well as enhance their self-confidence in social interaction, Office of Student Affairs and Shaw College will co-host 2017 Autumn Semester Business Etiquette Training.



The business etiquette will invite Patricia Mirrlees from Scotland as a keynote speaker. She will give students instructions on social etiquette in the formal social occasions such as business and academia.


Patricia Mirrlees was born in Scotland and now lives in Cambridge. She graduated from Glasgow University and obtained a Teaching Certificate from Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh. She has abundant experiences of living and working in countries such as Nigeria, Australia, China, Korea, America and U.K, and has a deep insight into the history and culture of East and West.


In social activities, acquiring some basic business etiquette could better show the mutual respect between individuals. The business etiquette is not only an external reflection of one’s internal cultivation and qualities, but also an art of social contact.



Date Time Session Venue Quota
21 Oct, 2017 9:00-12:00 Business Etiquette Training F301, Shaw College 150
21 Oct, 2017 14:30-17:30 Social Skills in Business Setting F301, Shaw College 150
22 Oct, 2017 9:00-12:00 Western Table Manners F302, Shaw College 80
22 Oct, 2017 12:00-13:30 Practice Meal F301, Shaw College 80


Registration method: Please login in Moodle and go to OSA “Business Etiquette Training Sessions”: before Oct. 18, 2017.


OSA of the Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen

Shaw College of the Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen