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The Role of Universities in China's Modernization of Education

  • 2018.09.07
  • Event
CUHK-Shenzhen is honored to have Professor Ambrose King, an esteemed sociologist and former Vice Chancellor of CUHK, as the guest speaker of Master Forum on September 11, 2018.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen is honored to have Professor Ambrose King, an esteemed sociologist and former Vice Chancellor of CUHK, as the guest speaker of Master Forum on September 11, 2018. Professor King will share his insight on The Role of Universities in China's Modernization of Education. All are welcome.


Topic: The Role of Universities in China's Modernization of Education

Speaker: Professor Yeo-Chi King, Ambrose

Date: 11 Sept 2018,Tuesday

Time: 16:45-17:45

Time of Entry: 16:15-16:45

Venue: Governing Board Meeting Room, Dao Yuan Building, CUHK-Shenzhen

Language: Chinese


Speaker Profile

Ambrose Yeo-Chi King, born in Tiantai, Zhejiang Province in 1935. He obtained his B.A. degree in Laws from National Taiwan University, M.A. degree in Political Studies from National Chengchi University and Ph.D. in Philosophy from The University of Pittsburgh, USA. He was the professor of the Department of Sociology in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Head of New Asia College, and the Vice Chancellor of CUHK. In 1994, In 1994, he was elected Academician of Academia Sinica in Taiwan. In the 1970s and 1980s, he had been visiting scholar at Cambridge University, MIT, the University of Wisconsin and Heidelberg University.

Prof. Ambrose King made spectacular findings in his research. Apart from articles published in international academic journals, he has authored quite a number of books including From Traditional to Modernised, The Modern Turn of China, The Ultimate Vision of Chinese Modernization, The Modern Transformation of Chinese Civilization, The History of Chinese People-Oriented Thought, Chinese Society and Culture, Chinese Politics and Culture, Sociology and China Studies. China’s modernization and modernity is the main research goal for his career. Ever since his first book From Traditional to Modernised was published about 50 years ago, his thought has influenced more than one generation.

Prof. Ambrose King taught in Taiwan and Hong Kong for about 40 years. With in-depth reflection on what makes a university, his book, The Idea of University, republished many times since the first edition, enjoyed a loyal following for 30 years. With a deeper reflection on modern university education, Prof. Ambrose King, 82 years old, published Rethinking University in 2017, arousing echo in educators.

During his sabbaticals and after retirement, Prof. Ambrose King wrote three essays collections with affections and a distinct King Style, namely Cambridge Musings, Heidelberg Musings, and Dunhuang Musings. In celebration of its 100th anniversary, Chung Hwa Book Co. published Memories on the Lands of Interests, an essay collection with well-chosen essays from his previous works. It is also collected in Collections of Hong Kong Classic Essays.