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Lu Yang: Craft of Broadcasting and Hosting

  • 2018.11.08
  • Event
[Media Talent Workshop] Announcer Lu Yang: Craft of Broadcasting and Hosting

Topic: General Patterns of Language Expression

Time&Date: 16:00-17:30,November 9 (Friday)

Venue: E206, East Wing, Administration Building

Speaker: Lu Yang


Speaker's Profile: 

Broadcasting Director, Central Radio and Television Station

Anchor of " Network News Broadcast" & "News and Newspapers Review"

Outline Reviser & Examiner of the National Announcer and Host Certification Test

Special Announcer of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the National People's Congress, and the National Committee of the CPPCC


Lu Yang is a famous media person boasting numerous honors, including Broadcasting Director of Central Radio and Television Station, Anchor Tutor of CCTV, Anchor of "National Network News Broadcast" and "News and Newspapers Review", etc.


For decades, Lu Yang has worked as a voice actor for thousands of documentaries, feature films, and commercials. He has long served as an examiner for the Putonghua Proficiency Test. In the past 50 years of his broadcasting career, he has reported and live-broadcasted various important major events in China, such as “the National Days”, “the return of Hong Kong to China”, “the return of Macao to China”, meetings between heads of China and the U.S., the launch of satellite, flood relief, etc. His broadcast works and papers have won various awards from home and abroad, such as the National Government Award and the Best Works Award.


In the past 30 years, Lu Yang has served as a special Announcer for the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He has worked for many important conferences to announce constitutions, resolutions, documents, election results, appointments, etc. and thus has been praised as "China's top male Announcer".