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The 10th Philosophy Club: Ethics at the End of Life

  • 2019.01.09
  • Event
The question of what end-of-life options terminally ill patients should have (or not have) is a hotly contested ethical issue. In recent years, this debate has often centered on the question of whether or not there is a right to die. In the discussion that follows, I claim that no such right exists, either legally or morally. However, I also identify some problems with the current way in which we administer sedation at the end of life. The main question (and the one not asked often enough) is how best to promote informed consent for terminally ill patients.


Ethics at the End of Life


The Challenge of Informed Consent


Dr. Lucas Scripter


Dr. James Dunson III

James A. Dunson III is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, USA. He is the author of Sedation, Suicide, and the Limits of Ethics (2017) and co-author of Citizen of the World: Suffering and Solidarity in the 21st Century (2013). Professor Dunson teaches courses in Bioethics, including Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Ethical Conduct in Scientific Research.

Time & Date:

19:00-20:30, January 9, 2019 (Wednesday)




Room 101, Teaching Building A