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Free Wi-Fi Available to the Public in CUHK (SZ)

  • 2015.12.25
  • News
Free Wi-Fi Available to the Public in CUHK (SZ)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen will offer free Wi-Fi service to all visitors on campus. To enjoy the service, visitors only need to select the University Wi-Fi, i.e. (CUHK (SZ)-Guest), enter their cellphone numbers, and receive the text messages with verification codes.

CUHK (SZ) has actively expanded connections to different sectors of the society, strengthened international exchange, and increased cooperation with universities and institutes worldwide since its founding. As a result, increasing number of people from all walks of life, scholars and international students come to the University for visit or study. And it is significant for our visitors to remain online, get access to network resources and all kinds of academic resources freely.

Based on these considerations, the University will offer free Wi-Fi service to all visitors on campus. They can get the password through cellphone text messages and enjoy the same free network service as teachers and students of CUHK (SZ) do. Apart from visitors, exchange scholars and students can get access to academic resources more conveniently, demonstrating our open attitude towards and responsibility for the public as a globalized higher leaning institution.

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