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LHS "Further Study and Career Development Center” is Calling on You!

  • 2020.02.14
  • News
In this "special" holiday, we are requested to stay at home. Less fun, but more chance to think about life and plan for the future. Since the establishment of the School of Life and Health Sciences at the end of 2018, it has gone through 2019 steadily and meaningfully, and entering 2020 with great strides. In this restless Year of the Rat, although the clouds are still overcast at this time, we shall always keep longing and looking forward to the future! In 2020, students of School of Life and Health Sciences may face dual choice of further education and employment. Do you feel confused and overwhelmed by facing so many world-renowned universities and well-known multinational companies? Please don’t be worried. LHS has prepared and set up "Further Study and Career Development Center” for our LHSer. With the participation and joint efforts of the faculty, we hope to guide and escort you to achieve success.

Further study

1、Exchange/Visiting Arrangement

CUHK-Shenzhen pays great attention to international collaborations with partner universities in order to broaden our students’ horizons, promoting and administering student exchange programs, study abroad programs, Joint Degree Arrangements and summer/winter programs. So far CUHK-Shenzhen has signed agreement with over 100 international partners to open over 160 international programs (including summer/winter programs, student exchange programs, study abroad programs, and Joint Degree Arrangements). So far over 60% of CUHK-Shenzhen students have credit-bearing overseas experience.

2、Joint Degree Arrangement

With the joint efforts of the Academic Links Office and LHS, CUHK-Shenzhen has established “3.5+1.5” Joint Degree Arrangement in Bioinformatics with University of Michigan and “3+2” Joint Degree Arrangement in Biomedical Engineering with The University of California, Irvine, offering our students the opportunity to pursue Master’s degree at the two prestigious universities after their undergraduate study at CUHK-Shenzhen.

Besides, LHS students can also apply for “4+1” Joint Degree Arrangement with Columbia University , “4+X” Joint Degree Arrangement with University of South Carolina, “4+X” Joint Degree Arrangement with Syracuse School of Information Studies (iSchool) , and “4+1” Joint Degree Arrangement with University of Sussex.

LHS is preparing several joint degree arrangements with the prestigious universities, including the University of Minnesota, Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University, University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University. The study plans cover the format of 4+1, 3.5+1.5, 3+2, and 3+1+1.

The following roadmap is drafted by Dean Ye Dequan (Chair Professor, Dean). He introduced students how to reasonably make plan during their undergraduate study, while to consider participating in overseas exchange program and scientific research projects with our professors. In 2020, LHS will expand more practices and training bases.


Career Developement

Cooperation between LHS and Enterprises

On the first anniversary of the founding of our school, and under the joint efforts with the Career Planning and Development Office (CPDO), we have approached and connected with many hospitals, enterprises and government departments with medical and biological backgrounds. We have reached agreements on building training bases for our students. Currently, we have signed cooperation agreements with Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital and CNNC Headway Company.



1. How to apply for exchange program?

OAL will notify students by email and organize a lecture to introduce the application process (Notification email has been sent by the end of 2019).

2. How to apply for Joint Degree Arrangement?

School will send notice via email. Please check your email!

3. Will our school organize an introduction event about the Joint Degree Arrangement?

Yes. Given the situation of epidemic, LHS has cancelled the introduction event which is originally scheulded on February 12. LHS will re-arrange it after returning to campus. Please follow school’s notice!

Contact us

For more details and questions, please feel free to contact us.


* TEL:(86)0755-23519000

 * Office hour: This will available after students return to school (please follow our notice)