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Delegates of Diligentia College visit Colleges in CUHK Ⅱ

  • 2017.0
  • News
On May 26th, led by Ms. Shenzhen Huang, director of University Planning and Coordination Office (UPCO), delegates of CUHKSZ’s three colleges paid a visit to the Chinese University of Hong Kong. This visit was organized by Mr. Kin Chung Yuen, vice president of CUHKSZ, and UPCO. We had sharing sessions about college system and student services with other three colleges in CUHK, they are the C.W. Chu College, the Wu Yee Sun College and the United College.

At 10:30, delegates had the first sharing session in the C.W. Chu College,

taking about college system building and management.

We started with a general introduction about college, then discussed with others in two groups.

Founded in 2007, the C.W. Chu College and Wu Yee Sun College are the youngest colleges in CUHK,

so we had similar experiences, faced with alike problems as newcomers.

After the session, we looked around internal facilities in the C.W. Chu College.

At 12:30, a tasty lunch in the C.W. Chu College’s canteen.

Followed with a tour in History Museum and Art Museum of CUHK,

in which collections are impressive and inspiring.

Group photo of teachers, wardens and tutors at Pavilion of Harmony, a famous spot in campus. 

In the afternoon, we visited one of the three earliest colleges in CUHK--the United College.

The United College had established for more than 60 years,

with complete management system and rich experiences.

We exchanged ideas about college culture and management models.

We are delighted to share experiences with counterparts from different colleges and learn from them.

Diligentia College will build up our own brand and culture in the near future.