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Arts in the Cloud| Mr. Zhou Guoping: “You Can Only Live Once”

  • 2020.03.10
  • Event
When the dialogue with philosophical thinking spreads out in the "cloud", how many resonances and collisions will it produce? Looking forward to seeing it.

On 9 March, Mr. Zhou Guoping will be invited to be the guest of "Arts in the Cloud”, an online live broadcast activity organised by UAC, guiding students to interpret and explore the theme “You Can Only Live Once”. This activity is jointly launched by the University Arts Centre and Pingshan Library.



Arts and Living Lecture Series of CUHKSZ II:

Theme: You Can Only Live Once

Guest: Zhou Guoping, Director of Pingshan Library, famous contemporary philosopher, writer and scholar, and Researcher in the Institute of Philosophy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Time: 9 March 2020 (Monday) 20:00-21:00

Content Outline:

1: Life is precious. Be responsible for your own life and be the master of your own life.

2: Take full responsibility for your own learning today, and be the master of your life tomorrow.

 Live Platform: This lecture will be presented in the form of video recording.

*Without authorization, please do not record or repost the lecture.


Guest: Zhou Guoping was a consultant to the National Library of China and an honorary director of the Hubei Provincial Library. He has won the first place in Dangdang's 2018 Influential Writer Literature List. He has been invited to be the judge of the Wenjin Book Award of the National Library of China and the Jingdong Literature Award continuously for many years.

In the 1980s, Zhou Guoping was well-known in the academic circle for his book “Nietzsche: At the Turning Point of the Century”. Since then, he has published academic works “Nietzsche and Metaphysics” and “What the Chinese Are Missing”, which has established his position in the philosophy circle of China. In 1996, after losing his beloved daughter, Zhou Guoping wrote the book “Niu Niu: A Father's Notes”, which has been a bestseller for more than 20 years.


“Arts in the Cloud”is the online live broadcast section of UAC, which will cover all-inclusive arts knowledge in the form of "Artists’ Sharing + Interaction". Relying on live broadcast platforms such as BiliBili and Zoom as the main channels, each episode of the section is about 60-90 minutes in length, including a wide range of topics, such as literature, fine arts, music, design, drama and other categories. Artists who may be hard to meet offline will be invited “in the cloud” to create a collision of ideas with you and look into the all-sided future of arts and life from the elementary to the profound.