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Mini Workshop on Healthcare and Service Operations Was Successfully Held at CUHK-Shenzhen

  • 文编|2017级经管学院 陈文誉
  • 2018.12.29
  • News
The Mini Workshop on Healthcare and Service Operations Organized by Institute of Data and Decision Analytics Was Successfully Held at CUHK-Shenzhen

On December 18, 2018, the Mini Workshop on Healthcare and Service Operations organized by Institute of Data and Decision Analytics (iDDA) was held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. This workshop invited professors and scholars from prestigious foreign universities to share the latest research results in the field of healthcare and service operations, with the purpose of strengthening academic exchanges and communication among universities and promoting the research and application in the field of healthcare and service operations at home and abroad.


Firstly, Professor Jim Dai, the co-director of Institute for Data and Decision Analytics at CUHK-Shenzhen delivered an opening speech.


After that, five well-known overseas scholars made academic reports respectively. They were Professor Yingchuan Ding from the University of British Columbia, Professor Dongyuan Zhan from University College London, Professor Guodong Pang from Penn State University, Professor Jin Qi from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Professor Pengying Shi from Purdue University.


Professor Yingchuan Ding from the University of British Columbia was delivering his research “A Fluid Model for an Overloaded Bipartite Queueing System with Heterogeneous Matching Utilities”.


Professor Dongyuan Zhan from University College London introduced his research “Staffing, Routing, and Payment in Large Service Systems with Endogenous Service Rate”.


After Professor Dongyuan Zhan’s excellent speech, Professor Guodong Pang from Penn State University delivered an academic report “Stability of Multiclass Parallel Server Networks in the Halfin-Whitt Regime”.


In the afternoon, two professors introduced the latest research results of healthcare operations.

Professor Jin Qi from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology was delivering a talk on “Operating Theater Scheduling Under Uncertainty with An Entropic Index”.


At last, Professor Pengyi Shi from Purdue University gave a keynote report on “Timing it Right: Balancing Inpatient Congestion versus Readmission Risk at Discharge” in a simple way.

The workshop has come to an end, but the academic pursuit never stops. Welcome more students to participate in the activities organized by iDDA in the future, and improve under the guidance of great scholars.

For more information on lectures about data and decisions, please follow the WeChat official account of Institute of Data and Decision of CUHK-Shenzhen.