Notice of application for NSFC SGC's rapid response program for bilateral cooperation between China and Germany in COVID-19 related research
The SGC of NSFC has initiated application for rapid response program for bilateral cooperation between China and Germany in COVID-19 related research. Details of requirements are as follows:
1. Funding fields
A. Novel coronavirus structures, functions, key targets of infection and its evolution study
B. The natural history of the virus, its transmission and diagnosis
C. Animal and environmental research on the origin of the virus, including management measures at the human-animal interface
D. Clinical characterization and management of disease caused by the virus
E. Infection prevention and control, including best ways to protect health care workers
F. Ethical considerations for research in connection with the afore-mentioned themes
2. Eligibility of applicants
Applicants must be researchers based at a Chinese/German university or research institution.
(1) Applicants from Germany must have obtained a PhD degree and be eligible to apply for funding from the DFG.
(2) Applicants from China must be a PI or main participant in a NSFC research grant (ongoing or already completed) with a duration of at least 3 years. The Chinese applicant must have senior academic title. Lindau alumni previously supported by the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion but without a NSFC research grant or senior academic title at the time of submission are also eligible to apply.
3. Funding amount and duration
The duration of this program is one year (the start time should be 1 October 2020 and finish time should be 30 September 2021) .
The NSFC and DFG will jointly fund a maximum of 1.5 million RMB (or equivalent sum of euros) per project for research expenditure including consumables or small scientific equipment, exchange activities (including but not limited to workshops, visits or video conferences), student or scientific assistant costs and others.
4. Procedure of application
Filing out electronic copy of application forms
Proposals must be written in English, and its format and the information provided must be in accordance with the application forms (Annex 1).
When finished, applicants shall submit the electronic copy of application forms and relevant attachments to by 18:00 on July 1th, 2020, the RAO will review and feedback.
Hard copies submission
Applicants shall print (double-sided) hard copies of final version application forms which signed by both applicants (electronic signature allowed for German applicant) and relevant attachments in duplicate, and submit these materials to Room 406 of Administration Building by noon on July 6th, 2020.
5. Other requirements
A. This program shall not be subject to the total number limit.
B. Scientific results must be published in a generally accessible form following international standards.
C. Proposals that involve experiments on animals and/or humans must be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in China and Germany. If ethical content involves multiple research institutes, all the institutes must provide the Ethical Approval from Ethics Committees of their own or relevant authorities as the attachment.
D. For Chinese applicants, if the research involves highly pathogenic microorganism, biosafety commitment documents shall be provided as attachments.
E. Any requirements of relevant scientific research reviews, please refer to the CUHKSZ’s research review process of each Committee as attached (Annex 2) and send the required materials and forms to each committee’s email for assessment.
Email address for each committee:
Institutional Review Board
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Institutional Biosafety Committee
F. Collection and exchange of data and materials must be in strict compliance with the laws and regulations in China and Germany.
G. The projects should be applied for by one research team in China and one research team in Germany, each led by an applicant. A collaboration agreement (please refer Annex 3-Template of agreement) which contains research plan, division of labor, ownership of intellectual property and other relevant contents shall be signed by bilateral Principal Investigators and submit it to NSFC once the project is approved(submission date shall be waited for the further notice of RAO).
Delayed application will not be accepted.
Contact information
Gao Shang
Annex 2-Review process and relevant forms