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Upcoming Meeting | Town Hall Meeting 2020 of SSE

  • 2020.06.08
  • Event
To further assist our freshman students to make a final declaration on major programs, School of Science and Engineering is pleased to arrange a 2019-20 Town Hall Meeting (THM) as the final overall info session before the online declaration system will be open in the week of June 15.

To further assist our freshman students to make a final declaration on major programs, School of Science and Engineering is pleased to arrange a 2019-20 Town Hall Meeting (THM) as the final overall info session before the online declaration system will be open in the week of June 15. Unlike other sessions which focus on each major only, the THM will present and introduce all available options. Students will be guided and encouraged to choose the major best fit with their ability and interest. 

Prof. Jianwei HUANG, Associate Dean of SSE, will provide an overview of all majors during the Town Hall Meeting, he will also present the procedures to declare your major on Student Information System.

All the program coordinators and area coordinators will be invited to attend this Town Hall Meeting session, together will Prof. Huang, they will interact with you and reply your questions. You are suggested to prepare some questions beforehand.

Please note that the THM will be held through Zoom Meeting.

Topic: Major Declaration - Town Hall Meeting for 2019 Cohort of SSE

Date and Time: Jun 13, 2020, Saturday, 10:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 992 3162 4180

Password: SSE0613

Speaker: Prof. Jianwei HUANG, Associate Dean, SSE

*Kindly note that SSE Major Declaration 2020 is scheduled from June 15 to June 19.