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Female Chinese Bankers in the Asia-Pacific: Gender, Mobility and Opportunity

  • 2021.04.19
  • Event
‘Financializing capitalism’ is a dominant force behind the evolution of the global world. Financial industries are among the most globalised and tend to concentrate in particular cities that serve as national and international business hubs. Chinese banks have experienced rapid expansion domestically and internationally in recent years. They are becoming major players in the financial services industry. However, Chinese female professionals working in the urban financial services industry have remained relatively invisible. This study draws on 50 in-depth interviews with Chinese women professionals working in the financial industry to explore the feminisation of mid-level management teams in world and global cities in the Asia-Pacific. Using intersectionality analysis, it examines the interplay between geographical location, gender and career mobility.   

Topic:              Female Chinese Bankers in the Asia-Pacific: Gender, Mobility and Opportunity

Time& Date:  19:00-21:00, April 8th , 2021

Venue:            111 Zhi Xin Building

Speaker:         Prof. Wai-wan Vivien Chan [South China University of Technology]

Host:               Dr. Han Yuchen [CUHK(SZ)]

Language:      Putonghua


‘Financializing capitalism’ is a dominant force behind the evolution of the global world. Financial industries are among the most globalised and tend to concentrate in particular cities that serve as national and international business hubs. Chinese banks have experienced rapid expansion domestically and internationally in recent years. They are becoming major players in the financial services industry. However, Chinese female professionals working in the urban financial services industry have remained relatively invisible. This study draws on 50 in-depth interviews with Chinese women professionals working in the financial industry to explore the feminisation of mid-level management teams in world and global cities in the Asia-Pacific. Using intersectionality analysis, it examines the interplay between geographical location, gender and career mobility.   


Wai-wan Vivien Chan is a sociologist. Currently she is Research Professor at Institute of Public Policy, South China University of Technology. She completed her PhD at School of International Studies, University of Technology Sydney. Her current research interests are: Transnational migration, urban study, gender, entrepreneurship and Chinese families. Chan’s latest books include Female Chinese Bankers in the Asia Pacific: Gender, Mobility and Opportunity by Routledge (London, 2020) and Return Migration in Hong Kong, Singapore and Israel: Choices, Stresses and Coping by Springer (New York, 2021)
