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Back to the source: Plato and Plotinus on the being and the One

  • 2021.04.19
  • Event
The Platonic theory of two-worlds (the sensible and intelligible world)and especially the thought that the idea of the good lying beyond the being or substances have exerted decisive influence on him. Based on these prepositions, he has established his own theory of the One, nous and the soul. This lecture will focus on adumbrating the metaphysics of the One, explaining the question of how the One relates to the intellect and the soul and how the way of ascent is possible.  

Topic:              Back to the source: Plato and Plotinus on the being and the One

Time& Date:  19:00-21:00, April 19th , 2021 (Monday)

Venue:            111 Zhi Xin Building

Speaker:         Prof. Tian Shufeng [Sun Yat-sen University]

Host:               Dr. Chen Xiaozhen [CUHK(SZ)]

Language:      Putonghua


The Platonic theory of two-worlds (the sensible and intelligible world)and especially the thought that the idea of the good lying beyond the being or substances have exerted decisive influence on him. Based on these prepositions, he has established his own theory of the One, nous and the soul. This lecture will focus on adumbrating the metaphysics of the One, explaining the question of how the One relates to the intellect and the soul and how the way of ascent is possible.  


Assoc. Prof. Shufeng Tian, the department of philosophy of Sun Yat-sen University, born in 1978, got the Ph. D. in ancient Philosophy in Munich University, Germany in 2015. His research fields are: the ancient Greek philosophy, the patristic philosophy and the Aristotelianism in the Middle Ages, the history of Christian thoughts.
