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Studying in the United States

  • 2017.02.25
  • News
Dr. Qing Hu gave a lecture on studying in the United States, based on his personal experience of having been an International student and an admission officer.

On Feb 22, Dr. Qing Hu gave a lecture on studying in the United States, based on his personal experience of having been an International student and an admission officer. Currently, Dr. Qing Hu serves as the Associate Dean of Zicklin School of Business, The City University of New York and thus gave many valuable insights and suggestions regarding studying abroad in the USA.

Tip #1: Find the Right Business School 

Top students usually turn to top business schools. However, students should also consider other renowned universities within the top 100, rather than to focus only on the top 10, as they usually have a fairly close level on academic competencies. Applicants may consult students, alumni and staff for further information.


Tip #2: Pick a suitable major

MBA (Master of Business Administration) and MS (Master of Science) are two basic branches of graduate business degrees. While MBA rather focuses on the training of management skills for future generalists and managers, MS puts more emphasis on specified curricula to turn students into experts on their subjects. 

Tip #3: Provide Supplementing and Outstanding Application Material

The three most important parts of an application are the student’s CGPA, the TOEFL/IELTS score and the GMAT/GRE score. If a student is not confident with his/her academic performance, the applicant may put extra effort into an outstanding application essay. Applicants are expected to show their individuality and independent thoughts. Recommendation letters and undergraduate course lists should be attached in addition as supplementing supporting materials. It is highly important to keep the application close to the truth and as authentic as possible, as exaggerations would be immediately spotted and would lead to a prompt elimination. Ultimately, students who got short-listed will be interviewed and be put into consideration for an offer.