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AI Development and Startup

  • 2017.04.05
  • News
On 20th March 2017, Mr. Yang Yang was invited to give a lecture on Artificial Intelligence development and his entrepreneurial story. Mr. Yang got his Ph.D. degree in Management Information System and is an expert in big data analysis.

Life goals

Based on his experience as a scientist and entrepreneur, Mr. Yang gave suggestions to students present on how to set up goals of life. Mr. Yang admitted that he had been either aimless or was working towards the wrong direction for a long time. But after several changes in his mindset, he realized that he was a task-driving person and enjoyed challenges. Thus, he chose to pick up Management Information System as his major and established his own company. Mr. Yang advised students to reflect on themselves and their life goals in order to live a fulfilled life. 


The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Mr. Yang gave a brief but comprehensive introduction about the origin of AI, as well as ongoing trends and the current situation. He then put special emphasis on the impact of Artificial Intelligence, which is significantly influencing law, programming, medicinal development, and much more. This is also why people need to get prepared for a radical change in in the job market. 

Entrepreneurial experience

According to Mr. Yang, the core of AI is cognitive science, whereby the value of it can only be realized when technology is combined with practice. 


When he was talking about whether to start a business, Mr. Yang said that the business is not suitable for everyone. One must consider personal interests, strengths, abilities and rewards from the job. Those who cannot deal with uncertainty and challenges cannot be good entrepreneurs. 

After this lecture, many students started to develop a deep interest into the AI industry. Mr. Yang also showed his interest in talented students of CUHK(SZ). So if you are looking for an internship in this field, it would be a clever move to stay tuned.