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Establishment of Office of Admissions and Career Services

  • 2016.09.06
  • News
On September 6, the Office of Admissions and Career Services was formally established at CUHK (SZ).

On September 6, the Office of Admissions and Career Services was formally established at CUHK (SZ). 

Extending Scope of Work

CUHK (SZ) students should have no problem finding a job. President Xu explained why on the foundation ceremony. First, they have international perspectives. Half of them have internships or participate in exchange programs; second, they receive all around development education under a collegiate system and a general education philosophy, meaning that they are ready to take challenges and accept new ideas. Therefore, the reason for setting up such an office is to provide students with professional and experienced mentorship regarding their long term career planning.

Vice President Joe Qin and Director of the Office of Admissions and Career Services agreed that a perfect career planning process lies in vertical extensions. In other words, advice on career planning should extend forward to high school students from whom CUHK (SZ) shall sift out those willing to study independently under a globalization educational model, and backward to new graduates to whom alumni shall provide assistance in solving the problems they encounter to help them develop life-long learning skills. In addition, the Office will also serve international students and help them to find internships and jobs. 

Director Zhang also pointed out that the University would set up a scheme where students might take initiatives in seeking employment through student societies and organizations. In December 2015, the School of Management and Economics initiated an undergraduate mentorship project, which matches student interests and career preferences with expertise realms of alumni. Two or three alumni are to be assigned to each group to introduce students to businesses to form their own network. 


Call from Students

One SME student ZHU Fan wished that the Office would be able to “sell” students to enterprises where they would develop their potential to the full. No matter how well students perform in college, they need the Office to have access to information about businesses and industries.

Integrated Approach

SME professor XIONG Wei said the purpose of the Office is to help students to find employment commensurate with their skills. CUHK (SZ) has rolled out a comprehensive plan to offer advice on career planning, resume writing and interview skills. Various workshops and lectures will follow up. Experts from different areas have been invited to mentor students in finding jobs and acquire pertinent information.