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Relationships and Friendship

  • 2017.11.3
  • Event
To help the fresh undergraduates to better embrace the campus life, the School of Humanities and Social Science has prepared a Series of Lectures since 2017, namely 10 Lectures for a Fresh Undergraduate @ HSS.

We cordially invite you to join the Lecture 8 of the Series' 10 Lectures for a Fresh Undergraduate @ HSS'.

In this lecture, Dr. Christopher KLUZ will introduce the philosophical significance of eros and philia (love and friendship) for human beings. Through his analysis and personal anecdotes, he will give advice to freshman on the best way to think about relationships and friendship during University life.

Topic: Relationships and Friendship

Speaker: Dr. Christopher KLUZ

Time: 6:30pm, Nov 8, Wednesday

Venue: Room 315, Zhi Ren Building

Speaker's Profile:

Dr. Christopher KLUZ

---Lecturer in General Education, School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

---B.A. in Philosophy , The University of Chicago, USA

---M.A. & PhD in Philosophy , Emory University, USA


This Lecture is open to everyone, please feel free to join us by a registration through the QR Code as below: