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Renowned Enterprises and Universities Favor the First Cohort of CUHK-Shenzhen Undergraduates

  • 2018.03.14
  • News
Favored by famous enterprises and universities, the first cohort of undergraduate students of CUHK-Shenzhen have received offers from around the world.

The first cohort of undergraduate students of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen are about to leave the campus and serve the society. These graduates have continuously received offers from world-renowned companies, updating the university’s employment statistics. As of the beginning of March, the graduates have received offers from over 50 domestic and international companies, including HSBC, Bank of China Hong Kong Branch, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Strategy&, Tencent, Huawei, Deloitte, PWC, Ernst & Young, KPMG, etc. According to the employment data analysis, the majority of the soon-to-graduates are inclined to work in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. About 55% of those in employment have chosen to work in Shenzhen. Since all of them are from the School of Management and Economics, the industry distribution shows high concentration in banks, fast-moving consumer goods, professional services, Internet, consulting and other industries.


Admission offers from renowned universities are icing on the cake for the graduation statistics. As of the beginning of March, the students have received offers from Oxford University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Duke University, Imperial College London, National University of Singapore, New York University, London School of Politics and Economics, Bocconi University, Paris Business School, The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,etc. Some students are admitted by consecutive master’s and doctoral program. Most of the graduates to study abroad will pursue further education in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong.



Why do famous universities and companies favor CUHK-Shenzhen students?  

The first cohort of undergraduates of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen has been recognized by world-renowned companies and prestigious universities around the world. It is inseparable from the gradual improvement of the University’s student quality in the past four years and the educational philosophy. The University values“ To bring together Chinese and Western culture, to combine ancient and modern knowledge, and to integrate arts and science”.


In the past four years, students and the society have shown increasing attention to the University and the quality of enrolled students keeps improving. In 2014, the average admission scores for Science and Arts students were 77 points and 50 points above the local key university fractional lines respectively. In 2017, these numbers climbed to 124 and 81 respectively.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen has an English-language teaching environment, an international curriculum, and a focus on development, which can be seamlessly linked to The University feature an international learning environment and multidisciplinary programmes which meets the international needs for talents with global perspectives. The students are cultivated to the needs of worldwide enterprises and world-renowned universities as the whole-person education philosophy of the University attaches equal importance to Chinese and Western culture, ancient and modern knowledge, as well as Arts and Sciences education. Besides academic knowledge learning, the University highlights the improvement of students’ comprehensive ability and the guidance of students’ overall development.


In response to the development of  the nation, especially the Pearl River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area for top talents, The University encourages students to become innovation-oriented talents, who are steeped in Chinese tradition, adopt global perspectives and have a sense of social responsibility.