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  • 2018.04.18
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Good News | CUHK-Shenzhen SME Students Defended Championship in L'OREAL BRANDSTORM 2018



This is a competition


between university elites


The passionate collision of creativity, technology and brand


The fierce contest of argument with scholars and saving the critical situation




On April 10, 2018, CUHK-Shenzhen  SME Students, winner of the championship for the first time in 2017, once again won the China regional championship in L'OREAL BRANDSTORM 2018.


The Team Inspection members are Chen Mingjia (2014 cohort), Wanwei (2014 cohort) and Zhang Jingyi (2015 cohort). Their major are in Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management for International Business of SME. They represent China to participate in the World Finals of L'OREAL BRANDSTORM 2018 in Paris. The Team Inspection, under the leadership of Professor Stella So, won the approval of the judges of the contest with excellent performance, logical presentation and strong teamwork. The other universities which participated in the China contest on the same day included Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, Central University of Finance and Economics, East China Normal University, New York University Shanghai, University of Nottingham Ningbo, Duke Kunshan University and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.


In addition, we would like to thank the online voting by friends from all walks of life who support the development of CUHK-Shenzhen. The three students of the Team Inspection have also received the "Most Popular Award".




Group Photo of CUHK (SHENZHEN)  Team Inspection and Instructor Prof. Stella So


L'OREAL Group is known as the "Business School" of marketing and brand management. The BRANDSTORM launched and sponsored by L'OREAL Group in 1992 is the world's most innovative and challenging marketing and brand management event. Participants are mainly undergraduates or graduate students in groups of three. Based on the comprehensive considerations of product properties, brand styles, market environments and other factors, the participants shall make the most creative and executable marketing solutions for a specific brand. As of 2017, students from 60 countries around the world participated in the contest.




Words from SME Participants


Chen Mingjia(2014 SME student)


L'OREAL BRANDSTORM is an innovation-oriented business contest requiring participants to have novel and practical ideas. This is the first time for me and my teammates to take part in this kind of contest, feeling very challenging and interesting. The process of preparing for the contest is demanding but enjoyable. Every time when we found no way out, we always got help from nice people. Thanks to the constructive comments by Coach Winson of L'OREAL, the logical arrangement, revision of innovative solution and guidance on preparation method offered by Professor Lin Bilian, as well as the support of Stella and SME! Finally, thank every friend and parent supporting us and voting for us! We'll try to achieve good results in the World Finals in Paris!



Wan Wei (2014 SME student)


The contest was very interesting, challenging, rewarding and growing. We enjoy the whole process, which will be an unforgettable memory in the university! Thanks for all the help and support all the way. We are looking forward to the trip to Paris!



Zhang Jingyi (2015 SME student)


I took part in the business contest for the first time, and would like to especially thank my two excellent teammates. Thank you very much for your care and support. This contest was a wonderful and surprising journey, with not high expectations but a lot of unexpected gains! For examples, Loreal Coach Winson who gave us a lot of industry insight; Stella and Yanting who always stayed with and supported us; Professor Lin Bilian who helped us in logic arrangement; The lovely parents who voted for us; and, of course, friends and family members who love me! We are difficult to enumerate one by one, but have received your concern and support! We will continue our efforts, the more we fight, the bravier we will be. Let's cheer up in the World Finals in Paris!



  Copywriting and typesetting by Zhang Zheyuan (2015 SME Cohort)






