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SME Students Won South China Champion Again in 2018 HSBC Business Case Competition

  • 2018.09.05
  • News
HSBC Business Case Competition, launched in 2008, is a professional and international competition with social contribution. It aims to develop business leaders with outstanding overall capability.


The competition provides a platform for undergraduates from the Asian-Pacific region to exchange ideas, enhance the understanding on business cases and learn the vital skills in the fields of workplace and communication. It inspires and develops business talents. It has a great influence on the Asian-Pacific region.

The participating teams

2018 HSBC Business Case Competition China was hosted by HSBC China and Shanghai United Foundation and supported by the Asia Case Research Center, The University of Hong Kong that provided the business cases for the competition. The competition was designed to provide a platform for competitors to analyze business cases.

There are twenty teams in China Competition, with ten teams from the South China and ten teams form North China. The champions from the two regions will participate in the HSBC Business Case Asian-Pacific Region Competition held in Hong Kong. Other participating teams are Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, Shantou University, Southern University of Science and Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Jinan University, South China University of Technology, South China Normal University and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. The team of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen won the championship.

SME students won the championship 

The awards for winning teams are RMB 10,000yuan, 8,000yuan, 5,000yuan and 1,000yuan. These teams will be recommended to human resource department of HSBC China and be allowed to apply the Management Trainee Program.


Q: Why did you take part in this competition?
A: We participated in it just for fun.  I also improved myself during the competition. I am interested in business competition so I have joined.
Q: Could you introduce the schedule?
A: Each team completed the distribution of business cases and materials, team discussion, presentation and 10mins’ Q&A within three hours.  We were not allowed to bring or use any electronic equipment and other materials. All participants only applied their knowledge to complete the presentation with their teammates.
Q: What are the difference between competitions in Guangzhou and in Hong Kong?
A: The most obvious difference was the degree of internationalization. The teams in Guangzhou came from China, while those in Hong Kong came from the world, such as the North America, Europe and Southeast Asia. Generally speaking, they have rich experience in business cases presentation. In addition, their suit and appearance also show they were serious on the business look for the competition. Therefore, the competition in Hong Kong was fiercer than in Guangzhou.  

The participating teams

Q: What was the toughest challenge you have faced in the competition?
A: It was language. Although we were taught in English in our campus, we were still used to speaking Chinese. Some participants who were native English speakers were excellent in showing their presentation and communicating with others. They had a substantial advantage over us.
How to cooperate with teammates was the other challenge. In a business competition, high-effective collaboration was the most important factor for us. We had to understand and trust each other, but the time was not enough.
Q: You had mentioned the importance of team work, and how did you cooperate with each other in the competition?
A: In fact, we made a clear division of work. Aaron was responsible for the opening, conclusion and financial analysis; Aruba and Kayla proposed the strategic plan and carried out our plan; Viola was in charge of analysis. We found the solutions to solve the problems in cases, and then showed the process to judges. We first extracted the key information and made an analysis on the case during the group discussion. Second, we made the PPT and practiced the presentation together.

The team of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Q: How to face the high pressure and adjust yourselves in the competition?
A: Not much pressure, actually. As the only one freshman in our team, I learnt more from the senior students and gained valuable experiences. I was the most nervous one in the team. I think more practices was the best way to release the pressure. Practice makes perfect. Prof. Stella So said if you could not enjoy the fun of the competition, you would miss its meaning.

Our students, professor and CEO of HSBC of the Asia-Pacific region

Q: What, in your opinion, were the advantage and disadvantage of your team?
A: “For both of the questions, I would say we were different actually. We came from different grades and had different majors. With different backgrounds, we came up with creative ideas. On the other hand, the brainstorming affected our efficiency. So, we had many challenges in how to evaluate and put the ideas into practices during the competition. Furthermore, comparing with those native speakers, we still had to improve our English.”
Q: What did you learn from this competition?
A: “Among four of us, I might be the one who had learnt the most, as I was the youngest one and had less experience and skills than others. The competition not only gave me an opportunity to write this experience in my resume, but also enhanced my ability in analysis and communication. At the same time, we broadened our horizon during the competition, in which we exchanged ideas with other participators from all over the world.”
“After the competition, we joined activities every day. Most of participating teams were not nervous and busy for the competition but actively took part in various activities. From them, we knew how to enjoy the competition.”
Q: What’s your advice for following business competition participants?
A: “The prize of a business competition might be not as comprehensive and practical as an internship in a resume. But business competition offered a perfect opportunity for you to broaden your horizon and improve your capabilities. Nobody could succeed without any difficulty. We experienced many failures and collected a great number of research materials before we participated in this competition. So, if you had the passion and were eager to challenges, the best advice for you is to go for it.”

Professor’s Comments:

SME Assistant Dean (Student Affairs), Associate Prof. Stella SO

“During this HSBC competition, our team showed the outstanding performance. Our students with different advantages and features had good chemistry on the team. In the end, they won the championship of South China. I’m so proud of them.
We experienced a lot during the process. Our team not only participated in the activities on the schedule but also met other competitors from other regions and countries.  More than the title ‘South China Champion’, they gained a unique experience and made new friends. It was beneficial for their development.
In fact, outstanding performance in business competitions required not only good skills and abilities, but also a good mentality. I told the team to ‘have fun’. I hope they could see the competition as a game. Of course, we tried our best to prepare for the competition. But when we really stepped on the stage, we should relax ourselves and got rid of the stress. Only when our mentalities were in a positive situation could we show the best of us.”