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— Outstanding Teaching and Learning —

Teaching & Learning

The objective is to enhance and coordinate the teaching and learning policies of the University

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Teaching Staff

With reference to the hiring standards adopted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen recruits top professors from around the world through a rigorous selection process.

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Quality Assurance

CUHK degree certificates

CUHK (SZ) adopts the standards for quality control and degree awarding used in CUHK. CUHK Senate Committee monitors and approves academic programmes offered by CUHK (SZ), manages relevant matters concerning the teaching and learning of these programmes, and ensures the standards of degree certifications in CUHK (SZ).

Degree certificates certified by the Minstry of Education

CUHK (SZ) students will be granted degree certificates awarded to CUHK students upon fulfilment of CUHK’s requirements. In addition, they will also be granted a graduation diploma provided that they have completed their courses in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Education.

Accademic Curriculum

Undergraduate programmes in CUHK (SZ) adopt a credit grading scheme. Students have considerable latitude in selecting courses in a manner that suits them best. They will be awarded a Bachelor’s degree provided that they have met the credit requirements, major courses requirements, and other regulations upon graduation. A Bachelor’s degree has one of the following classifications: First-Class Honours, Second-Class Honours Upper Division, Second-Class Honours Lower Division, Third-Class Honours, and Pass. The classification awarded to a Bachelor’s degree depends on a student's average GPA in core courses and his or her cumulative GPA in all courses.

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Overall credits distribution
core credits distribution
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research

The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) aims to advance the University's excellence and scholarship in teaching and learning. To support the mission of the University, particularly its commitment to high-quality teaching and learning, to maximising the potential of both teachers and students, and to creating opportunities for academics to reflect upon and share their teaching experiences.

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