— 活动 —

Supermodularity in Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization --- Theory and Applications

  • Dr. LONG Zhuoyu
  • 2019.12.06
  • 活动
Speaker: Dr. LONG Zhuoyu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Supermodularity in Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization --- Theory and Applications



 10:30 am -12:00 pm, 2019/12/9 (Monday)


 Room 619, Teaching A


 Dr. LONG Zhuoyu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Driven by several classic operations management problems (e.g., appointment scheduling), we solve a class of two-stage distributionally robust optimization problems which have the property of supermodularity.  We exploit the explicit upper bounds on the expectation of supermodular functions and derive the worst-case distribution for the robust counterpart. This enables us to develop an efficient method to derive an exact optimal solution of these two-stage problems. Further, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition to check whether any given two-stage optimization problem has supermodularity.  We apply this framework to classic problems, including the multi-item newsvendor problem, the appointment scheduling problem and general assemble-to-order (ATO) systems.  While these problems are typically computationally challenging, they can be solved efficiently using our approach.