— 新闻 —

活动回顾 | 人不离,茶仍温……

  • 2019.12.05
  • 新闻










Part1 关于茶聚


















Part 2 关于院长








Part3 同学感想






  “It’s an honor to speak with professor Leung today as it always has been. Prof. Leung's warm smile makes everyone feel like old friends. Her rich experiences and wisdom inspire us deeply. I still can’t believe this will be the last master’s tea she holds in Shaw. Memory with Prof Leung is short but sweet. She will always be the master of Shaw in my heart. Just like she said ‘One may take a person out of Shaw college, but one can never take Shaw college out of the person’.

Hope her all the best in Macau.”








Part 4 院长的话


1. What impressed you most during the long period of the Master’s tea activities?


Prof Leung: “I am very impressed with the diversity and many talents of the students. I am very happy that SHAW college and CUHK(SZ) attract different students from all over the country and all over the world. I also very much enjoy the different topics that we have discussed with different groups from career fears and challenges in different generations, to international relationships and many many different things we have talked about.”


2.“What do you think is the greatest significance of the Master’s tea?


Prof Leung: “I have mentioned that we have five purposes for this activity . So one, I want to get to know the students. Two, I want to give the students a chance to get to know other members in SHAW college beyond their rooms and their floors. Three, you know, I intend to listen to the complain from Shaw College students directly. And four, I have intention to practice students' English. Five, it is just a chance to have a conversation over a nice cup of tea. So I think, for all these reasons, the main effect is to build a community spirit within SHAW college. We are sort of the small community in the larger university. We feel that we can make friends within this community and in this community, we can find close friends as well as people that we can discuss ideas and learn from each other.”


3. The master’s tea has been held for such a long time. Now it comes to an end. Would you please say something to all the SHAWers?


Prof Leung: “One particular wish is that I wish all SHAW students and teachers continue to be kind of curious and interested in finding out more about the world, in finding out more about other members of the SHAW community. We should open our hearts and friendship to other people so that we can support to each other in all that we want to do in the future. The second wish is that in some ways, I want everyone to think about the atmosphere as I just explained. We need to listen to what others have said and reflect more on what others has talked about. It is not an awfully serious atmosphere but an open, friendly and enjoyable atmosphere. I think it is this kind of atmosphere that we should, as SHAW members, carry about ourselves, and that we are happy to find out about the new things that inspire us to reflect on what we should do.”