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研究成果 | 申睿教授论文被The Review of Financial Studies收录

  • 2020.06.02
  • 新闻
香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院副教授申睿的最新论文“Measuring Corporate Culture Using Machine Learning”被国际金融学期刊 The Review of Financial Studies接受。该期刊是国际金融学领域的三大期刊之一,用以推动和广泛传播金融领域的重要理论研究,受到国际学术界的广为认可。


词语嵌入模型(Mikolov et al. 2013)是最新的机器学习技术之一,我们利用这一技术和209,480份收益报告副本制作了一本企业文化词典。此外,Guiso, Sapienza, and Zingales(2015)曾提出企业文化价值中最重要的五点因素分别是:创新、诚信、品质、尊重、以及团队合作。因此,在2001年-2018年间,我们针对这五点因素获取了62,664个公司年的观察值。我们发现企业文化与公司成果息息相关,其中包括运营效率、风险承担能力、收益管理、高管薪酬结构、公司价值、以及交易成果。同时,研究证据表明企业文化的形成取决于大型企业事件,如企业并购。


We create a culture dictionary using one of the latest machine learning techniques—the word embedding model (Mikolov et al. 2013)—and 209,480 earnings call transcripts. We obtain scores of the five top corporate cultural values proposed by Guiso, Sapienza, and Zingales (2015): innovation, integrity, quality, respect, and teamwork for 62,664 firm-year observations over the period 2001–2018. We show that corporate culture correlates with business outcomes, including operational efficiency, risk-taking, earnings management, executive compensation design, firm value, and deal making. We also present suggestive evidence that corporate culture is shaped by major corporate events such as mergers and acquisitions.

