— 活动 —

Rethinking Literary Education

  • 2017.03.23
  • 活动
How did literary education become a tool of socialization in the United States during the mid- to late twentieth century? How and why did the political, social, and cultural upheavals of the 1960s challenge and change the role of literary education?

In this session of the Salon of General Education, Dr. Jones-Katz will use research from his current book project on the history of deconstruction in America to address these questions. He will specifically explore how a group of ambitious professors in literature departments at Yale University designed the innovative undergraduate Literature Major and how what is commonly thought of as deconstructive reading rather surprisingly occurred, in various forms, in several key undergraduate courses. Ultimately, Dr. Jones-Katz will offer insights into how undergraduate study in the humanities can and does influence the greater society.



Dr.Gregory Jones-Katz (HSS Lecturer)


Dr. Lucas Scripter (HSS Lecturer)

Time & Date

19:00-21:00, Thursday, March 23


Room 102, Chengdao Building

