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Event | October Library Workshops

  • 2017.09.30
  • Event
In order to help all the students learn to use the various library resources and tools, our library has arranged 24 workshops lasting from September to November in Fall 2017.

We have summarized the problems and difficulties that students in the past have encountered when using the library and have designed a series of topic-based lectures, so as to lead the students to fully discover the treasure of library knowledge. These workshops can help you improve your learning efficiency, master the skills of accurately searching for high-quality literature resources, and learn to prepare for writing an academic paper. This will be your first step from the library on the journey to your academic research. Delicious snacks and soft drinks will be provided at the workshops. Please do not miss these opportunities!


In October, our library will mainly focus on the E-resources our library has subscribed to. We will first go through all the E-book Databases, and then we will browse all Journal Databases by subjects. The schedule of the English sessions is as below:



Introduction to E-book Databases


Oct. 10th, 2017


315 Zhiren Building


Our library has subscribed to Project Muse, Wiley, Elsevier, Ebrary, OverDrive, John Benjamins Online Resources, Routledge Handbooks Online, Blackwell Online References, Oxford Reference Online, Gale Virtual References Library, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Oxford English Dictionary. We will introduce these E-book resources one by one.



Introduction to Databases HSS


Oct. 12th, 2017


315 Zhiren Building


Our library has subscribed to all-subject databases CNKI, JSTOR, EBSCO, SAGE, Project Muse, Wiley, Elsevier, SpringerLink, Oxford Journals Collection, Cambridge Journals Online, Annual Review Journals, Proquest, Web of Science(SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, JCR), as well as Humanities and Social Sciences databases MLA, John Benjamins Journal Collections, Taylor & Francis, Westlaw, LexisNexis, Heinonline, etc. We will introduce these databases one by one.



Introduction to Databases SME


Oct.17thh, 2017


315 Zhiren Building


Our library has subscribed to all-subject databases CNKI, JSTOR, EBSCO, SAGE, Project Muse, Wiley, Elsevier, SpringerLink, Oxford Journals Collection, Cambridge Journals Online, Annual Review Journals, Proquest, Web of Science(SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, JCR), as well as Management and Economics databases Emerald, INFORMS Journals, American Marketing Association Journals, Academy of Management Journals, Journal of Advertising Research, MIT Sloan Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, SAGE Business Cases, Harvard Business Cases, Datastream, Wrds, Financial Times, etc. We will introduce these databases one by one.



Introduction to Databases SSE


Oct. 19th, 2017


315 Zhiren Building


Our library has subscribed to all-subject databases CNKI, JSTOR, EBSCO, SAGE, Project Muse, Wiley, Elsevier, SpringerLink, Oxford Journals Collection, Cambridge Journals Online, Annual Review Journals, Proquest, Web of Science(SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, JCR), as well as Sciences and Engineering databases IEEE, INSPEC, ScienceDirect, OSA, APS, EI, ACM, IOPscience, ACS, SIAM, Nature, Nature Nanotechnolog, Nature Photonics, Nature Physics, Nature Materials, Science, etc. We will introduce these databases one by one.



P.S.: In September, our library mainly focused on the newly-implemented reading list system Leganto. In Leganto, an instructor can construct a list from all types of printed, electronic, and digital materials—from the library, scholarly sources, online bookstores, the instructor’s desktop, a reference manager, or simply the web. The Leganto solution enables students to browse through their course reading lists, access online materials, see availability and location data, request physical items, and suggest relevant content for inclusion in a reading list. Students can also engage in an online dialogue with instructors and other students about the reading list resources. Moodle could be better used by integrating to Leganto. We also provided an overview of all library resources and services, including different material types of resources, searching for resources in our library, as well as major services offered in our library. We offered two English sessions and two Chinese sessions for each topic.