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The 4th Shaw College Tutor Training Session Has Come to a Successful End

  • 2019.08.12
  • News
In 2019, when the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) welcomed a batch of ‘Millennium’ freshmen, Shaw College also welcomed a newly-energized tutor team. Enthusiastic, considerate towards students, tutors are always the first persons to turn to when students encounter problems at school.


In order to help the new tutors better understand the college culture, clarify their responsibilities, and create family-like atmosphere, the Shaw College Office organized a two-day tutor training session from August 11 to 12. Nearly 40 wardens, tutors and teachers from Shaw College attended this training. This year is the fourth year of the training session. Compared with last year, this year’s activities were more ‘tutor-oriented.’ Activities such as ice-breaking, first-aid training, general training, experience sharing, case analysis and future planning all laid emphasis on the sharing and exchanges among tutors.



“I hope that you can become friends with students.” 

Said Prof. Jenny Leung, Dean of Shaw College. In her welcome speech, Dean Prof. Leung pointed out that the relationship between tutors and students should neither be like ‘Tom and Jerry’ nor ‘father and son’ instead, it should be like friends. When students encounter difficulties, a tutor ought to act as a companion and mentor, encouraging and guiding students to resolve and overcome difficulties on their own.



In order to hone the tutors’ first-aid skills and raise their first-aid awareness, the Shaw College Office specially invited Gao Han to conduct a first-aid course called ‘Reciprocal Rescue.’ Not only did it help tutors learn correct mutual rescue knowledge, but also helped eliminate many common misunderstandings in the traditional first-aid cognition field. 



Since learning from models helps one become better, in addition to regular training activities, Prof. Jenny Leung, Dean of Shaw College, personally presented awards and prizes to the Shaw College’s Annual Best Tutor and Most Excellent Tutor in the 2018-2019 school year, as a recognition of their last-year hard work. After a rigorous and intense selection, the Annual Best Tutors of Shaw College in the 2018-2019 school year were Liu Guolong, the 3rd floor tutor of Tower A, and Wu Wenying, the 3rd floor tutor of Tower B. The Most Excellent Tutors in the 2018-2019 school year were Liu Guangyi, the 6th floor tutor of Tower A, as well as Niu Guanchong, the 4th floor tutor of Tower D.



After the award ceremony, the three excellent tutors shared their own ways dealing with their responsible students. The first speaker was Wu Wenying, a tutor from the 3rd floor of Tower B. She said that company, listen and referral were three efficient means of preventing and resolving crisis. Then Liu Guolong from the 3rd floor of Tower A shed light on his experience. Having accumulated three years of experience as a tutor, Liu Guolong was rather experienced in getting along with the students.



Discussions and debates enhance the reasons behind. Taking real cases for example, tutors were randomly divided into 6 groups, and were asked to conduct case analysis and offer solutions for each case. During the 40-minute discussion, tutors brainstormed and gave their own advice based on the real situations they had encountered. Discussions within the group were in full swing, and between groups were heated discussions. The wardens and tutors offered their own opinions, and strove to come up with the most complete answers.



At the end of the training session, Prof. Jenny Leung, Dean of Shaw College, returned to the stage, appreciating all attendants for their enthusiastic participation during these two days. Also, she was delighted to see how new tutors and experienced tutors got along well in these two days.



Education is a reciprocal process for both parties. While the students benefit from their teachers, the teachers can also learn from their students.